
Issue № 3, March 2020, article № 13

Prospects creation clusters of meat direction

In recent years, modern meat industry enterprises are being rapidly formed in the Russia. However, there are significant problems related to the lack of financial and resource support for this industry, as well as the instability of demand for manufactured products and its weak competitiveness. This situation was partly due to the outdated structure of the meat processing complex economy, inherited by modern Russia from the USSR, and the general technological backwardness of the Soviet industry. The aim of the study is a comprehensive study of the current trends in the meat industry in order to develop proposals for the creation of modern and highly efficient industrial-type complexes for the slaughter of livestock, primary and deep processing of meat. Foreign and domestic experience shows that for profitable production of meat and meat products it is advisable to use cooperation and integration in the form of a cluster between enterprises of the industry and related industries. The article considers the prospects of creating clusters of meat direction in the Russia, which allow to significantly increasing economic efficiency and social sphere of the regions. The study used an assessment of theoretical and practical aspects on the formation of clusters of meat direction. The main factors affecting their establishment and production activities were identified, including the availability of: the necessary raw material base; Engineering and transport infrastructure; investment attractiveness of the project; geographically close production and processing enterprises; relevant professionals and researchers. It was concluded that it is necessary to further implement the cluster approach in the Russian Federation in order to increase the volume of meat production, increase its competitiveness, further develop the export potential of the industry and generally improve the socio-economic situation in the country.

Socially responsible investment: the problem of harmonization of entrepreneurship and philanthropy

In Russia and in the world, the technology of socially responsible investment is gaining popularity, which provides for a significant social result along with obtaining commercial success. The historical evolution of socially responsible investment does not have a long period, but nevertheless, we can already talk about the successful experience of its approbation, the study of which will be very useful for socially oriented Russian business. The use of social investment technologies is possible by various agents of economic relations, including organizations of the agro-industrial complex, which take responsibility for solving numerous social problems in rural areas. The purpose of the article is to review the historical retrospective and analyze the current state of socially responsible investment, which proves the viability of using social investment as a tool for achieving a double result - commercial and social. The comparative analysis shows a steady increase in the number, attention and willingness of investors to financially support projects that can make positive transformations in society with measurable results and bring financial returns to the investor. The review of the global impact investment market showed a significant share of the representation of developed countries and a fairly modest place for Russia in it, but nevertheless, our country is making the first attempts to institutionalize the process of socially responsible investment as an effective way to harmonize business activities and solve social and environmental problems.

Features of structural and technological changes in the process of economic interaction of agricultural organizations

The results of scientific research indicate that structural and technological shifts in agriculture occur under the influence of a significant number of factors, natural, economic, technical and technological, and political in nature. Additions are given to the existing interpretations of the features of agricultural production, which interacts with dozens of sectors of the national economy, which allows in the theoretical aspect to significantly expand ideas about its specific features, which will need to be taken into account when implementing structural and technological changes. Particular attention is paid to economic challenges, which, along with others, have a multifactorial impact on structural and technological changes in the agricultural sector of the economy. They are characterized in the development of world agro-industrial production by intensive growth in demand for food and concentration of the population in large cities; growth in agricultural production and international food trade; the persistence of international trade barriers due to restrictions on national food security systems; lack of mechanisms for harmonious development between large agribusiness and small agricultural producers. It is proposed to carry out economic and social assessment of the ongoing structural changes and the adaptation of agricultural producers to these processes, by taking into account the development of the following structures: industry, organizational, economic, and territorial and resource potential.