
Issue № 3, March 2020, article № 4

Green economy and sustainable development: combining conceptual approaches and tasks

The concept of a green economy has emerged in recent years as a strategic priority for States and intergovernmental organizations and is a generally recognized model that focuses on improving the well-being of the population, achieving social equality, and significantly reducing environmental risks and environmental deficits. The existing definitions of the green economy are based on the definition of the UN environmental protection Organization, which treats this type of economy as not only increasing the well-being of people and ensuring social justice, but also significantly reducing the risks to all existing ecosystems. Based on this, the formation and implementation of the green growth model of the economy requires proper consideration of the relationship between socio-economic and environmental factors. The purpose of the article is to review the historical retrospective, analyze the current state and trends in the development of the green economy, proving the viability of this model of economy in achieving a three – fold result-social, economic and environmental. The retrospective analysis revealed the evolution of the essential basis of the green economy, which originates from the concept of sustainable development. On the basis of structural and functional analysis, the goal orientation, principles, tasks, and technologies for the development of the green economy at the present stage are identified. The review of the global state of the green economy showed that Russia is at the initial stage of forming a model of green economic growth. At the same time, the government is taking real measures to green the economy, which give confidence in achieving the maturity of the green economy in our country and the success of its tasks.

Issue № 3, March 2020, article № 6

Designing the strategy for the sustainable rural development republic bashkortostan based on the use of cluster technologies

The article actualizes the need to develop a strategy for rural territory sustainable development at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the formation of a set of methodical recommendations on the use of cluster technologies at the zone level in rural territory. It is argued that the use of cluster technologies gives high importance to the innovative component in the concept of sustainable development. The systematic approach usage in combination with cluster technologies allows to develop strategic plans for the development in rural territories from the perspective of long-term improvement of their economic and social component. It is proved that for the Russian Federation, the cluster-oriented policy is one of the promising directions for improving competitiveness and implementing the strategy for sustainable development in rural areas. The main stages of the clustering algorithm for rural municipalities in terms of social and economic development are presented. Methodical aspects of cluster research of rural territory sustainable development at the zone level are clarified. The necessity of forming the cluster portrait of rural municipalities, which should include «cores» (integrators), the cluster-forming block, «satellites» and «growth points», is shown. The results of clustering in rural municipalities in the non-black soil zone of the Republic Bashkortostan on the key indicators of socio-economic development are presented. The grouped «growth points» can become the effective tool for sustainable development, which should be considered as the most important elements of forming the «framework» of the agricultural sphere in rural municipalities. The use of cluster technologies helps to make the transition from the actually existing monofunctional model to a multifunctional model of sustainable development of rural territory. It is summarized that for the rural areas, the formation of cluster systems will stimulate the creation of new jobs in rural areas and contribute to improving the efficiency of agricultural production.

Issue № 3, March 2020, article № 9