
Issue № 5, May 2020, article № 14

Assessment of the regional dynamics of the cost of winter cereals for forecast of the development of agri-food systems

To forecast the development of agri-food systems an analysis was made of the dynamics of cost, changes in its structure and individual cost items of winter grain in the regions of the Russian Federation for the period 2010-2016 on the data of consolidated annual reports of agricultural organizations. It is shown that changes in the official reporting form 9-apk did not make it possible to form homogeneous series for cost analysis over long periods. The grouping of regions by actual cost of production revealed that the main production, since 2013, has steadily concentrated in the groups with a cost price of 400 to 599 rubles/center despite of inflation (in prices 2016 – in the group of 500-599 rubles/center). An assessment of cost growth due to changes in prices for resources and services purchased by agricultural organizations was made. It was revealed that in spite of significant changes in climatic and economic conditions that occurred during this period, the structure of the cost of winter cereals practically did not change, as well as the intervals of the shares of significant cost items in the main producing regions. Groupings of regions by the share of expenses for the maintenance of fixed assets and labor remuneration showed that regions with intervals above average Russian values were not the main producers. When forecasting agri-food systems in these regions, it is recommended to approximate their cost structure for winter grains to the average Russian. The top three producers of winter cereals, stably accounting for more than 40‰ of production, are the same, despite the differences in weather conditions in different years of the period under consideration. These are Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory and Rostov Region. It is on these key regions that it is necessary to pay the main attention when forecasting winter grain production in agri-food systems.

Issue № 4, April 2020, article № 1

Issue № 4, April 2020, article № 2

Issue № 4, April 2020, article № 5

Mercosur's export policy in the agricultural sector in relation to the integration interests of the eeu

The development of the regional integration association of Latin America – MERCOSUR is analyzed: identified key aspects of the development of this integration model, presented the macroeconomic indicators of each country, studied the state and dynamics of foreign trade of the participating countries, and outlined the problems of domestic markets protection and foreign markets access. The paper presents an analysis of the structure of exports and imports from MERCOSUR countries to the EEU countries and vice versa, as well as the problem of economic cooperation in the trade of agricultural and food products of these integration associations. In August 2015, MERCOSUR and the Customs Union of the EEU signed a Memorandum of understanding, which presents topics of interest to both associations. These are, in particular, customs tariff and non-tariff regulation, technical regulations and sanitary requirements. The format of a trade agreement on the creation of a free trade area (FTA+) may become the institutional basis for in-depth economic cooperation between the EEU and MERCOSUR. The analysis and study of modern aspects of interaction between MERCOSUR and the EEU allows us to conclude that it is promising to make agreements between these unions for the implementation of the export potential of the countries participating in integration associations and to unlock opportunities and advantages in certain sectors of the economy.