
Issue № 5, May 2020, article № 2

Institution of land relations management in agriculture

The strategy for the development of the new institution of land relations management in agriculture has been proposed. It contains promotion, adaptation and functioning. The speed of the institution's promotion depends on the participation of the authorities, public organizations and the media. Adaptation of the institution takes place under external and internal influence, taking into account institutional and economic interests, while making adequate management decisions to reduce the costs of transformation. The institution is functioning on the basis of the principles of optimality, limited rationality, quality, stability of norms and rules, in certain zones of effective and inefficient institutions of the structural and functional model. The creation of a mechanism for transforming land relations in agriculture in the Saratov region is justified from the point of view of rational choice theory. The creation of a mechanism of transformation of land relations in agriculture in the Saratov region is justified from the point of view of rational choice theory. The mechanism involves the creation of a single body that governs the norms of activity and coordinates their implementation of land relations (actors) with the use of methods of harmonizing interaction and changing the order of operation. The introduction of this mechanism will contribute to the rooting of the new institution, the restoration of transformational equilibrium, the dynamic development of the Land Relations Management, the predominance of effective owners of agricultural land. The directions of implementation of the elaborated mechanism at the regional level are consistent with regulations, road maps on the involvement of unused land in economic turnover.

Issue № 5, May 2020, article № 4

Main trends in the development of agricultural and food exports in the world

Export of agricultural products and food is an important direction of economic policy in most countries in the world, as it plays a large role in the formation of state revenues. Currently, many countries consider export activity as one of the foundations of economic stability and support its development with a wide range of measures. The article considers the current stage of development of world exports of agricultural products and food. The role of developed and developing countries in the export of these products is analyzed. The growing role of developing countries in exports is shown. Countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Mexico are currently among the top ten exporters of agri-food products in the world. Russia's increasing role in world exports is noted based on the analysis of agricultural and food exports over the past 20 years. The article analyzes the commodity structure of world exports and identifies the main product groups that account for more than 60‰ of exports. The forecast of the OECD-UN on demand for agricultural products and food in the medium term (2018-2027) is given, according to which in the next decade the growth rate of demand for certain commodity groups of products is expected to slow down, per capita consumption of which is approaching the optimal level and may remain unchanged, these are primarily cereals, root crops and tubers. Growth in demand for meat and fish products is expected to slow down due to regional differences in food preferences and restrictions. With consumption growth slowing, it is expected that the rate of increase in trade in agricultural and fish products will be twice lower than in the previous decade, which is one of the risks for the implementation of the Russian program to increase exports of agricultural products and food.

Issue № 5, May 2020, article № 5

Strategic directions of development of export grain policy in russian in a long term

The article contains information about the current grain export policy of the government of the Russian Federation and its development in the long term to 2035. It is emphasized that the expansion of Russia's presence on the global grain market has a positive impact on the political and international status of our country on the world stage, causing the need for additional measures to increase gross yield of grain export-oriented crops, the formation of the export grain potential and growth of its realization abroad, but with the obligatory account of the condition of the domestic grain market, filling the quality of grain and products of processing to provide all segments of the population. In this regard, from 1 January 2020, the planned introduction of a quota of grain export and control of sample quotas allocated to the grain-producing regions and companies, the other measures the Ministry of agriculture of Russia to increase grain production and its export. The relevance of this work lies in the analysis and systematization of the main strategic directions planned by the new government documents adopted in 2019-2020 in the development of production and exports of grain taking into account the anti-Russian trade sanctions from the United States, Canada and some other countries and the negative impact of the pandemic coronavirus in international trade. The aim of the study on the basis of the analysis to generalize the perspective directions and new solutions of the agrarian policy of the Russian Government and Ministry of agriculture to achieve the objectives set in the development of production and export of grain, and the new «food security Doctrine of the Russian Federation in 2019-2021 years», «Long-term strategy of development of the grain sector in the Russian Federation until 2035» and other documents. The results of the study are summarized the main strategic directions in the export grain policy of Russia in the long term.

Issue № 5, May 2020, article № 6

Issue № 5, May 2020, article № 9

Main directions of greening sectors of the russian economy on the way to achieving sustainable development goals

Today, the entire global humanity is experiencing colossal problems of environmental pollution, which pose a threat to the entire world stability. Russia is no exception to the existence and escalation of environmental problems. In these conditions, it is extremely important to find a development model that could lead our country to sustainable development without compromising the environment and economic growth. In this regard, the green economy model is very promising, which has green technologies in its Arsenal as the main tools for blocking or minimizing the toxic impact of anthropogenic activities on the environment. The purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of the main sectors of the Russian economy on the state of the ecosystem and to propose ways of their greening based on the use of green technologies. On the basis of structural and functional analysis, the negative impact on the state of the natural environment of the system – forming sectors of the national economy-each separately and in their combined influence-was revealed. The presented statistics on the state of the ecosystem, as a consequence of anthropogenic activity, prove the need for urgent measures to improve the environmental situation. Minimizing or completely blocking the negative effect of production processes becomes possible through the greening of sectors of the national economy in the green economy model, which ensures the transition to the path of sustainable development of the economy and society as a whole. At the same time, it is necessary to apply a systematic approach to the greening of economic sectors due to their close interconnection with each other due to integration into a single system of economic relations.