
Issue № 8, August 2020, article № 9

Development of commodity aquaculture in russia: state and key areas

This study is devoted to the development of commercial aquaculture in Russia. The necessity of accelerated development of this production sector as an alternative to the extraction of aquatic biological resources in modern conditions is substantiated (new requirements for the consumption of food products, including fish; tightening the conditions for the distribution of the extraction of aquatic biological resources by international organizations). Global trends in the growth rates of aquatic biological resources extraction and aquaculture production show changes in the fish products market with a significant increase in the share of aquaculture products. The analysis of the production structure and dynamics of processes in the development of aquaculture in Russia is presented. The factors hindering the development of aquaculture have been identified. Particular attention is paid to the role of the state, which is to create certain institutional preferences, measures of optimal protectionism for domestic aquaculture producers, customs and tariff regulation, necessary incentives in the field of lending and taxation, scientific support of aquaculture development projects, assistance in combating epizootic diseases in different stages of cultivation of aquaculture objects, etc. The issue of fully implementing program measures for the development of aquaculture, as well as control over the accounting and quality of fish products, remains important. In addition, it is necessary to attract extra-budgetary funds from all sources of financing, including funds from private business for investments in aquaculture development; creating an attractive investment and business climate for entrepreneurs on the basis of public-private partnerships.