
Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 13

Production of fish products and aquatic bioresources at the present stage in russia

Russia has a natural base for the successful development of fishing and fish farming, is surrounded by seas and oceans, and has significant internal reservoirs. At the same time, fishing and aquaculture products occupy an insufficient place in the diet of Russians. The goal set by the authors-to consider the trends in the production of fish products and aquatic bioresources in Russia and in the world - was solved using classical research methods: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, abstract-logical and monographic. After studying the reports of various domestic and international organizations, analyzing statistical data from the collections of the Federal state statistics service, the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, and others, the authors came to the following conclusions: at the present stage, the domestic fisheries sector is under development, there are some positive trends, but the problems of the industry are complex. The main problems of the industry development are highlighted: low competitiveness of products, low efficiency of using water biological resources, limited access to financial instruments, inability to attract long-term financing on acceptable terms, underfunding of science, etc. as a result, the number of organizations engaged in fishing and fish farming decreases, the number of employees in the industry falls, there are not enough vessels equipped with modern fishing tools and processing fish in the sea, etc. To achieve the planned indicators of the food security Doctrine, it is necessary to improve the mechanism for the development of the industry as a whole and, in particular, the production of fish products and aquatic bioresources: create a domestic marine and fish Fund, provide more substantial state support to the fishing industry, accelerate the development of infrastructure elements of the market throughout the country for a stable supply of fish products to the population.

Assessment and ranking of the impact of risks on the agricultural system

The agro-industrial complex is at the same time one of the unique and basic elements of the national economy, which forms the gross domestic product and products manufactured on the territory of most of the subjects of our country. Its exclusivity is due to direct interaction with natural and climatic conditions and biological characteristics of the cultivation of animals and plants. Such interaction gives rise to the emergence of many different difficult to predict and difficult to manage factors that can lead to the formation and development of risks. In turn, risks can significantly reduce the functioning efficiency of both an individual subject of the system and, in general, destabilize the entire agro-industrial system through a joint multiplier effect. Moreover, at present, due attention from the scientific and practical community to the development of risk-based approaches to management in the agricultural sector has not been paid. In this regard, this article proposes an updated concept of the agro-industrial complex, focusing not only on the existing risks, but also on the need to include state and municipal authorities in the structure of the agro-industrial complex, which act as the regulator of this system, but also have a certain level of risk load. In addition, the author’s structure of the participants in the updated agro-industrial complex was justified, their ranking was carried out by risk level based on the proposed point estimate.