
Issue № 9, September 2020, article № 11

To the question of the role of strategic planning in transformation and development of the structure of the economy of the rural locality

The article is devoted to the problems of strategic planning of socio-economic development of the region (municipality), based on the program-target method of planning and process approach. The authors conduct a SWOT-analysis of the geo-economic position, social sphere, industrial activity, transport, engineering and environmental infrastructure, territorial development municipal Orda district of Perm region. The main advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats for the strengthening and development of the structure of the economy of a rural municipal district are identified. The method of scoring is used to identify territorial disparities in the level of development of social, transport, engineering infrastructure and communications. Sustainable development implies the formation of a self-developing and distinctive socio-ecological and economic territorial, system capable of countering anthropogenic overload and destruction of the landscape, ensuring the preservation of cultural values, long-term use of all natural resources for agriculture, local industry, crafts, crafts, tourism, recreation and other spheres of economic activity, ensuring the achievement of decent living conditions of the population. Taking into account the results of the SWOT-analysis, suggestions are given to adjust the draft Social and Economic Development Strategy of the Orda Municipal District of Perm region for the period until 2030, developed by the municipality. The developed program activities will not be able to quickly solve the numerous problems that have accumulated for many decades -long process that requires a systematic approach, the participation of all stakeholders, a creative approach.