
Issue № 10, October 2020, article № 11

Zonal aspect of location and efficiency of agriculture in stavropol region

The choice of the most optimal options for the placement of agriculture in order to increase its efficiency requires unconditional consideration of the complex of factors that form them. To a large extent, the cumulative influence of such factors is accumulated by the zoning of the territory of agricultural regions. For this purpose, in 1957, the soil and climatic zoning of the Stavropol Territory was carried out, occupying an area of ​​66.2 thousand square meters. km and having 5787 thousand hectares of agricultural land. In 1968, it was replaced by economic zoning based on the established specialization of agricultural production and, as a rule, did not coincide with agro-climatic and soil boundaries. But already at the end of the 80s in the region, on the basis of many years of scientific research, four agricultural zones were identified, heterogeneous in soil and climatic conditions, production and industry specifics and economic efficiency. They received the names - sheep-breeding, grain-sheep-breeding, grain-cattle breeding, resort area with the corresponding inclusion of specific rural areas. However, the sharp curtailment of fine-wool sheep breeding in the early 2000s led to a deterioration in the socio-economic situation, the loss of a highly developed industry and, in general, to a decrease in the efficiency of agriculture in the eastern regions of the Stavropol Territory. Only in recent years the industry has begun to revive, so far mainly through the efforts of private business, somewhat smoothing out the noted contradiction. In addition, the dissonance between the names of the first two agricultural zones and the real sectoral content of agriculture within their borders has become increasingly noticeable. In the future, the need to adapt agricultural production to changes in the agroclimate led to the adjustment of the boundaries of the existing zones while maintaining their previous number. Due to the deep differentiation of the territory of the existing agricultural zones of the region, the typification of rural administrative regions has become relevant, which was carried out on the basis of ecological-landscape and agro-ecological approaches. Thus, in the Stavropol Territory, work continues to improve scientific approaches to the zoning of agriculture and the typification of rural areas. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the study of the zonal features of the agricultural economy in order to introduce economically and socially justified adjustments to the existing options for the industry that determines the living conditions of the population in the corresponding rural areas.