
Methodological approaches to performance assessment functioning of economic forms in agrarian sphere

Currently, the agricultural sector of the economy is characterized by a multi-structure. It includes subjects of various organizational and legal forms that have their own specific features of economic activity and level of development. An integrated classification of all subjects of agricultural production is presented in statistical estimates, which divides the entire population into three categories: agricultural organizations, peasant farms, and population farms. As shown by numerous scientific studies, each of the presented categories is endowed with historically and organizationally formed functional properties of economic, social and environmental characters. A General criteria - based assessment of the effectiveness of their activities will allow us to assess changes in the forms of ownership and management in the agricultural sector, the goals of their owners, specialists and managers, adjust the directions of state support, and strengthen the justification of forecasts. In the course of the research, a system of methods of economic analysis was used, including generalization of scientific literature, expert and comparative assessments, and calculation of indices. In the article the author presents the evolution of the concept of "efficiency", the classification efficiency of economic activities, methods of evaluating the performance of industrial subjects, typology of agricultural producers in accordance with the Civil code of the Russian Federation. For a comprehensive study of the effectiveness of the functioning of organizational and legal forms of agricultural production, a system of indicators reflecting various aspects of their production and economic activities has been developed and methods for calculating the generalizing efficiency indicator based on the reduction of different quality indicators that characterize the use of separate factors of functioning to a single one are presented. For this purpose, the criteria of economic, social and environmental efficiency, features of their assessment for each category of farms, and methods for calculating the overall (integral) indicator are identified.

Improvement of innovative infrastructure in the agrarian sphere to accelerate the digitalization of the agricultural industry

As a result of the study, the necessity of improving the innovation infrastructure, contributing to the full-scale implementation of innovative technologies based on the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex, was substantiated. The analysis of the existing innovation infrastructure is carried out, the role of the institute of agricultural consulting in the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex is shown. At the beginning of 2019, 87 organizations provided consulting services in the field of agro-industrial complex and rural development in 62 constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the regional level, 16 regional centers have a regional network represented by 190 information and consulting structures. In 2018, they provided 240.7 thousand consulting services to agricultural producers and the rural population, held 2,770 training events attended by more than 99 thousand listeners, introduced 866 innovative products, and implemented 861 innovative projects. On the basis of the existing centers of agricultural consulting at the federal and regional levels, as well as in the structure of agricultural universities, it is proposed to create competence centers for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex in order to develop digital solutions based on demonstration farms and the subsequent implementation of complex proven solutions in agricultural production, the development of new competencies among specialists of agricultural organizations. The goals and objectives of the Competence Center for the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex are grounded, a model for the transfer of innovative technologies based on the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex is presented.