
Issue № 2, February 2021, article № 15

Issue № 1, January 2021, article № 1

Support of export of oilseeds in foreign countries

Demand for oilseeds and their processed products is growing steadily in the world. Russia is a major producer of oilseeds. Increasing the export potential of agricultural products, including fat and oil, is one of the most important priorities of the country's agricultural policy. The paper analyzes the current state of the world market of oilseeds, considers the main world producers and exporters of oilseeds and fat-and-oil products, namely: USA, Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, Indonesia and Malaysia. The directions and measures to support the promotion of fat and oil products to international markets in these countries, the problems that arise in this regard, and ways to solve them were investigated. Economically developed countries, such as the United States and Canada, have a well-developed system of support for national agricultural exports, based primarily on state support, which is carried out through a wide range of special programs, and industry associations play an important role in the system. In developing economies (Russia, Ukraine) great importance is also attached to the development of exports of fat and oil products, appropriate programs and support projects are being developed, and credit and tax benefits are provided. In countries where the development of oilseed production is mainly associated with the expansion of the area under them (Indonesia, Malaysia), private companies that own a significant part of oil palm plantations play a major role in the development of exports. Analysis of measures and directions of support for national exports of fat and oil products in the countries of its main exporters can be useful for the development of the export potential of the Russian agro-industrial complex.