
Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 13

Organizational and economic algorithm for modeling the effective structure of employment of young professionals

The relevance of the research topic is explained by the fact that the agricultural labor market is experiencing a shortage of young highly qualified specialists with knowledge of IT technologies in digital agriculture. This article puts forward the problem that it is necessary to train personnel that meet the modern requirements of highly dynamic developing agriculture in the conditions of digitalization of the country in the post-pandemic period. At present, a modern young specialist must meet the market-forming selection criteria in the agricultural labor market and have a risk-oriented mindset. It is necessary to update the structure of forming an effective mechanism for training highly qualified personnel on the basis of industry universities in the region. The purpose of the research is to analyze the challenges facing the agricultural University in training young specialists for agriculture as a branch of the digital economy of Russia. Tasks: to develop a model for developing partnerships and promoting employment of young professionals in a post-tandem economy for the development of optimal options for covering the personnel deficit in the agricultural sector; to generate practical recommendations for the regulation of the labour market of young professionals. The solution of the set tasks will allow to prepare highly qualified young specialists who have all the necessary competencies and are able to meet the requirements of the modern agricultural labor market. The article considers the concepts, departmental programs "Digital agriculture", directions of training and retraining of young specialists of the agro-industrial complex. The reasons for such problems are simple: the lack of a coherent mechanism for interaction between the state, universities, young professionals and employers. We have proposed some recommendations for improving the algorithm of forming the human resources potential of young professionals who can withstand the requirements of the modern world. The implementation of modern tasks set for agricultural universities to train young specialists will improve the algorithm for training a highly qualified young specialist who can pass all the conjuncture-forming selection criteria in the agricultural labor market, as well as improve the understanding of the current state of existing measures of state support for young professionals, who will be able to take timely corrective actions and identify potential opportunities.

Institutional traps of land relations in agriculture

The goal set by the authors - the study of ineffective institutions that arise during the transformation of land relations, is solved using general scientific and specific methods. As a result of a systematic analysis of the current state of land relations in agriculture, it has been established that deformational changes have led to the formation of traps, which are identified in the institute of agricultural land turnover. Institutional traps in the purchase and sale of agricultural land have been systematized - the lack of title documents, full owner, controversial data on the boundaries of the land plot owned, high notarial rates for the preparation of the necessary documentation. Ineffective institutions in leasing are considered - non-compliance with the balance of interests, violation of property and lease rights, the complexity of calculating and implementing rent, the formation of abandoned and degraded land. Institutional traps in the mortgage of agricultural land are characterized - differences in the methods and results of land valuation, a high level of transaction costs due to incomplete information, leading to the duration and iteration of the procedure for registering a land plot, refusal to state registration of a mortgage of the right to lease land from agricultural land , which are in common shared ownership, seizure of a land plot in the order of collection in case of non-fulfillment by the debtor of the terms of the pledge agreement. On the example of the Saratov region, the existence of traps that impede the development of the institution of an effective owner of agricultural land was confirmed, and trends in the increase in the area of unused own land of agricultural organizations were identified.