
Issue № 3, March 2021, article № 5

Efficiency of the state support system for a farmer cooperation

The historical experience of the development of the agricultural economy of our country, foreign examples of the formation and functioning of cooperatives show that cooperation as a process of combining the efforts of small and medium-sized organizations, the rural population to achieve specific economic goals is an important, and, sometimes, a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of their activities. Support for co-operation in rural areas in modern Russian history has been carried out since the beginning of the agrarian reform, since then several state programs have been implemented, but their targets, for the most part, have not been achieved. Currently, measures are being taken to strengthen agricultural cooperation. The purpose of this article was to assess the effectiveness of modern state support for its development. The increase in the volume of agricultural products sold by agricultural consumer cooperatives that received grant support in 2020 amounted to 37.8‰ compared to 2019. The main activities of such cooperatives were the collection, storage, processing and sale of meat (30.5‰ of recipients), milk (29.3‰), vegetables and fruits (8.6‰). The first results of the implemented measures had a positive impact on the results of small businesses. However, there are unresolved issues that can only be successfully resolved with the help of cooperatives. Therefore, it is important to continue improving the directions and mechanisms of their state support. Cooperatives need special programs of banks and leasing companies, a system of state guarantees, an effective mechanism for state purchases and deliveries of products, an increase in its competitiveness in the domestic market, the formation of an extensive system of training for cooperative entrepreneurship for constant and continuous growth of the educational level of actual and potential members of cooperatives.