
Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 7

Fishing in the arctic: studied reserves and potential of biomass of aquatic bioresources for their industrial development

The development of biological resources in the Arctic is due to the fact that today almost all free water areas of the World Ocean are already divided between countries and against the background of a decrease in the total reserves of biological resources, each state seeks to develop those water areas that are in their jurisdiction, for Russia this includes the Arctic Seas. Ensuring the national interests of the Russian Federation in the Arctic zone, creating conditions for increasing the efficiency of development and extraction of aquatic biological resources, protecting natural areas and preserving marine ecosystems, protecting the habitat and traditional way of life of indigenous peoples, mutually beneficial cooperation are the main priorities state policy of Russia. Insufficient knowledge of the Arctic zone, which requires large financial costs for scientific research, poses problems for us, the solution of which will reveal the main directions of increasing the efficiency of using the raw material base of Russian fishing in the Arctic zone of the Russian. To create the necessary conditions for conducting profitable commercial fishing in the Arctic zone, it is necessary to develop a Target program for the development of biological resources of the Arctic zone of Russia, where the required volume of investments will be determined, which will show the scale and timing of the implementation of program activities.

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 9

Formation of a spatial development strategy in the field of human resource management in agriculture

When analyzing personnel in the agricultural sub-sectors of some priority and border geostrategic territories (regions), negative trends and main problems in the formation and management of human resources in the agricultural business are identified. It is established that at present the existing system of training (advanced training) of human resources in the agricultural sector is practically absent, the human resources and the structure of personnel in the sub-sectors of the economy is formed without the practical application of educational standards, production competencies and the effective use of digital systems in the field of their management. There fore particular steps have been taken to eliminate these inconsistencies, primarily related to the strategic development of agricultural business in priority and border geostrategic regions, which consist in determining the internal and external factors of the development strategy and the main basic principles of the human resources potential of agricultural sub-sectors. The ways of the strategy for the development of the personnel potential of agricultural business are formulated and measures for creation of the strategy of personnel potential in agricultural sub-sectors of priority and border geostrategic regions are developed on the basis of the monitoring of these territories on the issue of the efficiency of the functioning of the personnel of agricultural business. Indicators for assessing human resource management and strategic directions for training (advanced training) of human resources in the agricultural sector and the practical application of educational standards, production competencies, as well as the effective use of digital systems in the field of their management are proposed.

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 11

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 13

Trends in the development of agribusiness in the face of new challenges

Digital technologies and platform solutions of the XXI century have the most powerful potential for sustainable economic growth due to new technical and technological properties and management capabilities. The universal nature of digital transformation makes it relevant for all spheres of life, including agriculture, which has a technological diversity of agricultural production, a variety and complexity of production processes. The demand for digital solutions increases many times in the new conditions of reality, the key characteristic of which continues to be the covid factor. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the agro-industrial complex, as practice shows, is fraught with disruption of production and logistics chains on a national and global scale, which threatens the food security of all countries. The purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of stimulating factors of the transition of agriculture to the path of sustainable development in the model of innovative development. Among the key factors of innovative transformations, digital technologies are considered, the use of which in the management and innovation of business processes can significantly increase the efficiency of agricultural production, as well as a new coronavirus infection, which required the introduction of restrictive measures and, consequently, new technologies for building economic relations and organizing production. Regarding the assessment of the impact of the first factor – digital technologies-it is emphasized that agriculture is gradually beginning to lose its immunity to innovative transformations and the organization of business processes using automation, information and communication technologies, and digital solutions is becoming more common. The second factor – the new coronavirus infection-turned out to be less critical for agriculture compared to other sectors of the economy, moreover, the pandemic to a certain extent accelerated the digitalization of agribusiness and allowed the world to demonstrate the advantage of the Russian agro-industrial complex as more resistant to external influences. It is concluded that digital transformation is able to make a technological breakthrough in agriculture, which is necessary to achieve sustainable development and ensure national food security, regardless of new external environmental disturbances.