
Issue № 5, May 2021, article № 12

Gross harvest of citrus worldwide and in the main countries-producers

Citrus plants, since ancient times known to the inhabitants of China, Southeast Asia and India, today are grown on an industrial scale in a number of countries in Europe, North, Central and South America, Africa. Moreover, some of these countries in 1961 were leaders in the global ranking of that time in terms of the production of citrus fruits. In particular, the USA ranked first in gross harvests of these fruits with volumes of 6.932 million tons (27.66‰ of the world as a whole), Brazil was in second position with 2.077 million tons (8.29‰), Spain - the third - 1.963 million tons (7.83‰), Italy - the fourth - 1.477 million tons (5.89‰). Of the Asian countries, only India was included in the top five leaders with volumes of 2.077 million tons (4.84‰ of the world as a whole). As for our country, in the days of the Soviet Union, in order to meet the needs of the population and the food industry for some fruits of citrus crops, in a number of the republics of the Caucasus and Central Asia, projects were carried out to increase the area under these plants, to increase the gross harvest of the corresponding fruits. However, given the limited area of their possible large-scale production on the territory of the USSR, the state authorities began to increase the volume of their import from abroad, primarily from countries that were considered “friendly” or “conditionally neutral”. Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, almost completely switched to providing the national market for citrus fruits through their import supplies. In general, the urgency of the indicated problem is due to the need to identify the main trends of change during 1961-2019. the volume of gross harvests of citrus fruits in the world, both in relation to specific subgroups of these fruits, and in the context of the main producing countries.

Issue № 4, April 2021, article № 1

Institutional, organizational and economic support for small business in rural areas of the united states

Small business is an important factor in the sustainable development of rural areas in the United States as it includes the largest number of economic facilities, stabilizes the rural population, contributes to the diversification of economic activities in rural areas and currently offers environmentally more acceptable technologies. The general criteria for classifying enterprises as small businesses adopted by the government Office of Small Business Administration, as well as the typology of farms developed and ameliorated by the Economic Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture, are examined. A comparison is made between the traditional (based on Gross Farm Sales) and new (based on Gross Farm Cash Income) approach to the definition of small farms. The related shifts in number of small farms and their share in total agricultural production are demonstrated. A number of existing and suspended loan, grant, and investment programs supervised by the Rural Development Services and other subdivisions of the U.S. Department of Agriculture were reviewed. For instance they are focused on socio-economic development, energy efficiency, stimulating of high-value production, promotion of micro-entrepreneurship, the use of information and communication technologies, solving environmental problems, as well as promoting innovation through a partnership of science and business.