
Issue № 6, June 2021, article № 1

Low density rural areas: the role and features of agricultural development in purpose to reduce external threats

The article notes that Russia is one of the countries with the lowest population density. This is especially true of the rural areas of the Far Eastern, Siberian, Ural and Northwestern Federal Districts, where 1 sq. km accounts for an average of 0.3 people to 1.2 people, while in Russia as a whole – 2.2 people. The measures taken to implement the Strategy for the Spatial Development of Russia have not yet yielded the desired result, and therefore the outflow of rural residents to the cities does not stop. As a result, along with the economic return of rural areas, the potential of the “protective functions” of the rural population continues to decline. The exposure of vast tracts of rural areas, observed in recent years, coupled with the crisis in the economy, increases external threats to Russia, since they can provoke territorial claims. To avoid them, it is recommended to take actions aimed at increasing the attractiveness of rural areas with the lowest population density for work and residence of citizens of the country. The preferred way to solve this problem is to rely on the development of agriculture as an industry that allows control over large areas of rural areas. To do this, it is necessary to create an appropriate industrial and social infrastructure, develop a food map of Russia in the context of regions and municipal districts, improve the system of relations between the state and agricultural producers, establish consumer cooperation in rural areas and produce agricultural products under contractual agreements, solve a number of other economic and social problems. The implementation of these measures will require significant investments, primarily state ones.