
Assessment of conditions for the development of human capital in rural territories of the southern macroregion

The relevance of assessing the conditions for the development of rural human capital is justified in a scientific study. It is connected with the fact that its condition largely depends on the influence of factors of the surrounding socio-economic environment. The need to assess the conditions for the human capital development in rural areas on the basis of a limited set of statistical data, indicators that characterize demographic processes, the availability of social and infrastructure facilities, and the economic characteristics of rural areas comes to the fore. The purpose of the research is to assess the conditions for the human capital development on the example of rural areas of the Southern macroregion. Economic-statistical, comparative and abstract-logical analysis, institutional and system approaches, the method of score-rating assessment and the method of simplifications were used as research methods. The main result of the study was the construction of a rating of regions, which showed that the best conditions for the development of rural human capital were created in the Rostov region, and the worst – in the Republic of Kalmykia. The demographic conditions for the development of rural human capital are best developed in the Republic of Crimea, and the worst – in the Volgograd region. The Volgograd Region has the best social conditions, and the Krasnodar Territory has the worst. The infrastructure is best developed in the Rostov region and the Republic of Adygea, and the worst – in the Republic of Kalmykia. The best economic conditions are created in the Rostov region, and the worst-in the republics of Crimea and Kalmykia. Proposals for the practical application of the point-rating method for assessing the conditions for the development of human capital in rural areas are formulated based on the results of the study.

Issue № 9, September 2021, article № 10

Crop production of the Perm region: trends, problems, prospects

Crop production as the most important direction of agricultural production is an essential factor in solving the problems of ensuring food security in Russia as a whole and its individual regions. Crop production of the Perm Region, located in the zone of risky agriculture and characterized by a high level of risk of adverse effects of weather and climatic conditions, can cause negative trends in the formation of food resources of the Perm Region and ensuring food security of the region. In order to identify the main trends in crop production in the Perm Region and substantiate the reserves for increasing the efficiency of crop production, opportunities and risks in solving the problems of food security in the region, an analysis was carried out based on the official statistics of the Perm Region for 2015-2019. The assessment of the dynamics of factors of crop production (yield, acreage, intensification) allowed us to identify negative trends that negatively affect the results of activities in crop production and, as a result, the regional food balance and the level of self-sufficiency of the region. Risk points were identified for potatoes and vegetables. A significant decrease in the yield in 2019 for potatoes (-8.8 c / ha or -6.27%) with a decrease in the area of potato sowing (-5.1 thousand hectares or -20.73%) predetermined a decrease in potato production by 62.5 thousand tons (29.7%). The insecurity of domestic potato consumption in the Perm Region is 18% at the end of 2019. The Perm Region is provided with vegetables of its own production by 56%. The obtained results made it possible to identify problems in the process of forming food resources of the Perm Region, the solution of which is possible by increasing the efficiency of activities in crop production, including through increasing the provision of industry enterprises with fixed assets, fertilizers, seed material resistant to the climatic conditions of the Perm Region.