
Problems and prospects of consumer development cooperation’s in agriculture in Russia

The article emphasizes the importance of the role of consumer cooperation in the development of agriculture, an assessment of its state in Russia is given. It is shown that the main reasons that impede the development of consumer cooperation are of a managerial nature, that is, they are generated by insufficient efficiency of state management of agriculture and the economy as a whole. It is noted that one of the main among them is the focus of the country's agricultural policy on excessive monopolization of property and concentration of production in the industry, as a result of which large agricultural holdings have emerged, owning about one million hectares of farmland and more. Based on world experience, the factors contributing to the named negative processes are listed. The negative consequences of the processes of property monopolization and concentration of production in the industry are formulated. The expediency of harmonious development in agriculture of large integrated formations and small forms of management has been substantiated. Taking into account the best foreign practice, a possible variant of their mutually beneficial cooperation is presented. The necessity of an urgent departure from the traditionally established practice in Russia of hindering the development of industrial and local self-government institutions, as well as small business, including through the formation of a system of consumer cooperation in agriculture, is argued. It is concluded that, ignoring these basic prerequisites for socio-economic development, no country has been able to ensure the competitiveness of agriculture and the economy as a whole, as well as a high quality of life of the population.

Issue № 10, October 2021, article № 10

Issue № 10, October 2021, article № 13

Decision making problems of agricultural projects financing under inflation uncertanty

In order to provide intensive development of the agro-industrial complex, it is necessary to create conditions for the implementation of investment projects in this area. The growing uncertainty about the future dynamics of prices, both in Russia and in many developed and developing countries, leads to the fact that projects in the agricultural sector may be considered to be more risky, and therefore investors may refuse to finance them. The purpose of this study is to develop measures to stimulate investments in agricultural projects in the environment of growing price risks based on the analysis of the impact of such risks on decisions on project implementation. The research uses such scientific methods as synthesis, analysis, longitudinal method and methods of quantitative analysis. In the article, based on a sample of 89 countries for the period from 1990 to 2019, it was shown that decisions on financing projects in the agricultural sector are more sensitive to price risks than projects in other industries. In particular, this is manifested in the fact that with an increase in price uncertainty, the share of loans to agricultural enterprises in the total volume of loans to non-financial companies decreases, the dependence is significant at the 1% level. To support agricultural projects in conditions of price uncertainty, it is proposed to allow banks to extend loans in the agricultural sector once without accruing additional reserves, expand opportunities for prolongation of investment agricultural loans received from authorized banks, form measures of long-term support for agricultural enterprises, which are provided only in case of realization of price risks (for example, if the average market price level for manufactured products falls below a certain level).