
Transformation of the Russian market of mineral fertilizers in the conditions of the pandemic

The mineral fertilizers market is actively developing. New players are appearing on the market, the production potential of the industry is increasing. The domestic fertilizer market is characterized by a significant level of production concentration. Currently, Russia produces about 55 million tons of fertilizers in physical weight. At the same time, due to a lack of domestic demand, on average no more than 35-37% of mineral fertilizers produced in the country enter the domestic market. The rest of the fertilizer is exported. As a result, one third of the sown area in Russia is sown without the use of mineral fertilizers. The level of fertilization per hectare of sown area is significantly lower than that in developed countries. The aim of the work is to assess the current state of the Russian fertilizer market and to identify ways to increase the efficiency of using its potential to meet the needs of domestic agriculture and sustainable export positions of Russia. The main trends of the modern development of the fertilizer market in the Russian Federation are analyzed. The dynamics of indicators of production and use of mineral fertilizers, the level of concentration in the industry, Russia's place in the world market and its position in the main segments, export parameters, pricing mechanism in the fertilizer market are considered. The main factors restraining the growth of the use of fertilizers by domestic agricultural producers have been identified. In addition, the main directions of stimulating domestic demand and increasing the competitiveness of Russian producers of mineral fertilizers in the world market have been formulated. It is predicted that with an increase in domestic demand, the share of exports will decline, while sales in the domestic market will grow. Further expansion of the domestic market is associated with the development of the material and technical base of agricultural producers, the creation of the necessary infrastructure, scientific research and the introduction of innovative developments.