
Agrifood market forecasting methodology

The deepening of the integration processes of the Russian agro-industrial complex into the system of the world market is associated with an increase in the risks of exposure to the domestic market of exogenous shocks, which contributes to the actualization of the tasks of developing a methodology for substantiating effective scenarios for the prospective development of industries and food markets in Russia. The proposed paper presents the developed methodology for forecasting the agri-food markets (AFM). The forecasting methodology includes the following main stages: methodological approaches (MA) to the analysis of the agri-food market of a given commodity group, incl. allowing to highlight the most important product segments within the group; MA to the analysis of the main types of products of this commodity group, including methodological approaches to the analysis of the state of the APR of this product type in conjunction with the assessment of the financial condition of enterprises in the industry; MA to the analysis of the market for livestock products with the turnover of live animals; MA to the analysis of the development of production in small forms (farms and private household plots, family mini-farms); development and / or adaptation of models for forecasting agri-food markets. For markets with different states of competition, one-product models of partial equilibrium were developed (perfect competition, imperfect competition with elements of perfect competition and imperfect competition), as well as developed and / or adapted multivariate regression and trend models; a methodology for the formation of a research information base, including a database of regional markets, a database of export / import and a database of elasticity’s; method for assessing elasticity’s. The developed forecasting methodology is intended for governing bodies making decisions on the development of economic policy measures

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 12

Assessment of socio-economic development of regions

To assess the socio-economic situation of the regions, a list of indicators used by the Federal State Statistics Service was selected to characterize the state of the regions, including population, gross regional product, investments in fixed assets, monetary incomes of the population, consumer spending, etc. The regions were divided into groups according to two parameters - the specific gravity of the region in the indicator for the Russian Federation and the growth rate of the change in the indicator exceeding the average Russian. Among the regions, leaders and outsiders were identified, respectively characterized by an increase or deterioration in the situation. The Moscow region was assigned to the leading regions with high rates of growth in socio-economic indicators for 2019. 12 regions were assigned to outsiders with a rapid deterioration in the socio-economic situation. In the dynamics for the period 2014-2019. in general, the socio-economic situation of the regions worsened, as the number of leaders decreased, the number of regions with a strong, weak position and outsiders increased from 23 to 55, the number of regions in the group with an improvement in the situation decreased. For the identified leading regions, the indicators of fundamental efficiency turned out to be average, their high socio-economic assessment was largely determined by the high level of infrastructure efficiency. The dependence of production efficiency on the development of infrastructure and the type of settlement showed that rural types of settlements with infrastructure restrictions have more efficient production. The assessment of the socio-economic development of the regions will make it possible to make adjustments to the development strategies of the regions in order to improve management and achieve the goals set.

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 14

Innovative development of technologies in the agroindustrial complex of Russia

World agriculture is developing in the direction of increasing the knowledge intensity of manufactured products, in this regard, an innovative agro-industrial enterprise should become the main carrier of an innovative product. Innovative enterprises are enterprises in which more than 70% of the total volume of production is created through the production of innovative products, if we talk about innovations in agriculture, then their main feature is not in creating fundamentally new products in the industry, but in the development of new technologies in economic practice. based on the achievements of science and technology in related industries. Technologies for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products, a modern management system for an agricultural enterprise, on improving the production and economic complex of an enterprise, replacing manual labor with mechanized ones, automation and robotization of technological processes. At the present stage, the innovative development of agriculture is of an inertial nature, so far there is no reason to talk about technological breakthroughs, intensive development of the results of research and development, characteristic of an economy of an innovative type. A global problem in the implementation of innovations and innovative activities in agriculture is the lack of a formed partner platform between scientific institutions and business entities. Consequently, in the context of globalization and the formation of a single world market, the activation of innovation processes in the industry should take a central place in economic policy and the joint participation of the state and private business in the innovation process, which includes both the development and development of innovations and new technologies, and their promotion to the market, will increase innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex of Russia.

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 15

Efficiency of entrepreneurial activities in agricultural organizations of the Amur region

Among the wide variety of types of entrepreneurial structures, agricultural organizations have a special place. The peculiarities of agriculture as a branch of material production have a great influence on the content of entrepreneurial activity and requires a special approach to assessing the effectiveness of its implementation. Entrepreneurs developing agrarian business and authorities responsible for the implementation of state agrarian policy in the regions are constantly looking for the most effective ways to increase the productivity of agriculture. This study contains the rationale and testing of methodological tools that can be used by stakeholders to develop a strategy for the development of both entrepreneurial activity and measures to support it at the regional level. The aim of the study is to develop a methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activities of organizations in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship in the region. The study was carried out on materials reflecting the activities of agricultural enterprises in the Amur Region. The work uses economic and statistical research methods - collection, processing and generalization of information, calculation of indicators. The scientific value of the research results lies in identifying the effectiveness of various types and forms of organizing entrepreneurial activity in agricultural organizations of a particular region.