
Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 12

Effective functioning of the raw material segment as a condition for balanced and sustainable development of domestic meat production

The development of the livestock sector is the most important factor in the effective functioning of the processing sector and the entire industry market. Currently, domestic pork producers have fully met the demand of the domestic market. Now they are faced with the task of activating their export potential. The long-term future of the entire domestic pig industry will depend on the effectiveness of this task. In the context of the study, statistical data on the production and economic development of this industrial segment of the agro-industrial complex were analyzed. In particular, the analysis of the balance of supply and demand; market researched competitive developments; studied dynamics of volumes of pork production in live and carcass weight; the evaluation of dynamics of changes of pigs livestock; comparative evaluation of reproductive performance in pig production in the EU and Russia; identified and summarized the main factors determining the efficiency of pig farms; the assessment indicators of the technological development of the domestic pig; the main reasons hindering the development of the domestic industrial segment of the agro-industrial complex are identified; the rating of the largest national pork producers is given, as well as a list of investment projects of the leading players in the industry market. In the final part, measures of state support for domestic pig production in terms of increasing and activating export supplies were formulated.

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 13

Increasing the competitiveness of domestic agriculture in the conditions of introducing precision farming technologies

The main hypothesis of the study is that the use of precision farming technologies will increase the competitiveness of agriculture by enhancing internal competitive advantages associated with lower production costs of goods. The purpose of the study is to analyze the prospects for increasing the competitiveness of domestic agriculture in the context of the introduction of precision farming technologies. An analysis of the activities was carried out and a grouping of 34 agricultural organizations of the Sverdlovsk region (72,% of their total number), using precision farming technologies, was carried out. The author's grouping of agricultural organizations is proposed, depending on the share of jobs equipped with precision farming technologies. With the increasing share of precision farming jobs, there has been an exponential decline in production costs. In the group of agricultural organizations, with a share of jobs equipped with precision farming technologies, up to 10%, the average decrease in production costs was 0.19 percentage points, with a share of jobs from 10 to 20% - a decrease in costs by 0.97 percentage points, over 20% - 1.04 percentage points. This allows us to conclude that there are competitive advantages of organizations using precision farming technologies in comparison with organizations without them. At the same time, the determining factor is their systematic use, covering the largest number of processes and workplaces.

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 15

Mechanism for stimulating the production of products with high added value in foreign countries

The analysis of the world market of products with high added value was carried out, the main exporting countries of these products were identified (Germany, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, China), in whose exports of products with high added value is 30-50%, and the value of exports of these products is more than $ 20 billion. The main volume of food with high added value is produced by food industry enterprises. Currently, the development of the food industry in foreign countries largely depends on the introduction of innovative developments in production, which is associated both with the development of new technologies that reduce production costs, and with the development of new products and the introduction of new brands. The article discusses the mechanisms of stimulation and state support that have provided the above-mentioned countries with successful innovative development of the food industry. Russia is significantly inferior to developed countries in terms of exports of food with high added value. In 2020, the value of exports of these products amounted to about $ 4 billion, which is largely due to the lack of innovation activity of food industry enterprises. In the GII 2020 ranking (Global Innovation Index), Russia ranks 47th. The article highlights the leading role of large multinational corporations in the production and export of products with high added value.

Eco priorities of land management in the system for forming agricultural sustainability

In the system of formation of agricultural sustainability, one of the guidelines for the development of agriculture is the rational use of land. The solution of this problem is provided by the introduction of farming systems that minimize the negative consequences of the productive use of land. However, their implementation is hindered by a number of factors that limit the possibility of using environmental techniques and methods: financial and economic, administrative and political, organizational and technological, subjective. The need to eliminate these obstacles requires the improvement of land management, both at the State level and at the level of individual organizations. The task of the subjects of public administration is to form a mechanism that will encourage the choice of rational methods and methods of land use, taking into account environmental priorities. The task of management objects (land users) is to ensure the parameters of a rational impact on the subject of management (land resources), which is possible to ensure through the use of strategic management techniques. The formation and implementation of a strategy within a specific enterprise allows you to link the set goals with a set of control actions on the parameters of the internal environment and the human capital development system. Environmental priorities should become the main element in justifying the directions of development of any branch of agriculture. But the possibilities of their implementation will largely depend on the willingness of the state to take responsibility for the ecological state of the land and business understanding of the need to preserve soil fertility.

Profitability management of a pig breeding organization in the framework of integration interaction

Recently, agricultural production has undergone various changes associated with the constantly changing situation in the external environment of the functioning of commercial enterprises. The main goal of the enterprise - making a profit - requires a constant search for the optimal set of measures to obtain the planned indicators. The degree of influence of the main factors on the financial result - revenue and cost - determines the approach of a particular enterprise to solving the task. The increase in revenue in most cases is problematic, since it is limited by the volume of products and the prevailing demand for products, works and services sold. Therefore, an increase in profits by reducing costs is the most real reserve for profit growth and an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. This problem is especially relevant for agricultural enterprises trying to compete with agricultural holdings that dominate the agricultural production of the Belgorod region. In this case, enterprises try to use an integrated approach to the formation of pricing policy, based on an assessment of the level of cost at all stages of production, as well as taking into account the interests of both agricultural enterprises and processing companies. With this approach, it is necessary to take into account the internal pricing in terms of the interaction of the participants in the integration interaction, which should ensure the satisfaction of the interests of all participants in the functioning process. It is this set of cost management tools that will allow to achieve not only the required level of financial well-being of agricultural enterprises, but will also allow to effectively manage agricultural production.