
Analysis of formation of investment capital on the example of agricultural holdings

The article is devoted to the consideration of the peculiarities of the formation of investment capital of agricultural commodity producers of the holding type on the example of Russian and foreign agricultural holdings. The author analyzed the sources of the formation of investment capital of agricultural holdings and its structure based on the main areas of investment: in real assets, in financial and intangible assets, in human capital. As a result of the analysis, the author identified the main trends and features of the formation of investment capital of agricultural holdings. These features consist, on the one hand, in a significant increase in the share of equity capital in investments, due to a stable increase in profits, on the other hand, in the active expansion of the business by attracting additional long-term and short-term investment resources. At the same time, the Russian agricultural holding is pursuing a more active investment policy and the growth rates of short-term and long-term investment resources for business development exceed the indicators of foreign agricultural holding. The main direction of investment capital investments in agricultural holdings are investments in real assets, which ensure the acceleration of technical and technological renewal. In addition, one of the most important priorities for the development of agricultural holdings is the development of human capital, as evidenced by the annual increase in investment in this area.

Contracting as a way to increase the social role of large formations of the agricultural industry and sustainable development of the industry

The article notes that at the beginning of the 2000s, the course towards monopolization of property and concentration of production in agriculture began to prevail in the agrarian policy of Russia. The need for this was explained by the need to accelerate the saturation of the Russian market with domestically produced food. As a result, large agricultural holdings have emerged that receive most of the budgetary support allocated to the industry. The share of K (F) X and other small farms in the production of a number of agricultural products began to decline rapidly. This happened not only because of the lower competitiveness of small producers, to which the state does not pay enough attention, but also because of the opposition of agricultural holdings supported by lobbyists in the government. Thus, one of the main achievements of the agrarian reform and an integral part of the market economy - the diversity in agriculture - was threatened. As the positions of agricultural holdings are strengthened and their lobbying opportunities are expanded, other negative processes in agriculture are intensifying: the social orientation of economic relations in the agro-industrial complex is decreasing; sanitary and epidemiological, environmental and other risks in the industry are growing; the outflow of the rural population to the cities continues, including the qualified personnel of the agricultural sector. The experience of developed countries shows that one of the most effective ways to solve these problems is the development of a contracting system in agriculture. Its importance for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as increasing the stability of the industry, is no less important than consumer cooperation. Currently, in Russia there are only isolated examples of cooperation between large formations of the agro-industrial complex with small and other agricultural producers on the basis of contracting agreements. In this regard, as well as due to the socio-economic and environmental feasibility of contracting in agriculture, a system of measures aimed at its wider distribution in the industry has been proposed.

Basic land management functionals affecting land relationship at the regional level

The main purpose of the study is an objective economic assessment of the land management functionalities that affect land relations in the regions of the Non-Black Earth Zone of Russia. The main functional of land management is not so much the distribution of functions in the field of land relations between the national, regional and local levels, but the development of principles and conceptual approaches for the regulation of regional markets for agricultural land and related methods, concerning the process of making managerial decisions on the spatial development of agricultural land use. In each specific region of the Non-Black Earth Zone of the Russian Federation, the regulation of the land market must be associated with their regional characteristics, the prevailing socio-economic system and the potential for the development of market relations. At the same time, there are significant differences between regions, which depend on the development of market relations in the field of land tenure and land use. These differences significantly affect the land management system and their characteristic models of land relations in the studied regions. Therefore, the main task of effective management of land resources, with their simultaneous involvement in economic turnover, is to analyze the features of the functioning of regional land markets and assess the efficiency of the use of land resources, taking into account the systematic analysis of the socio-economic development of regions.

Internal and external legal relationship of agricultural organizations

The concept of agrarian legal relations in modern Russia was given in the textbooks Agrarian Law, published in 1996, in 1998, in 2000, in 2007, in 2011, in 2012, in 2012, [8,9]. There are also other publications dealing with the content of the concept of «agrarian relations». Agrarian legal relations become such after when social relations in agriculture are regulated by the norms of agrarian law and other branches of law participating in the legal regulation of agricultural activity. In the above textbooks, agrarian law, agrarian legal relations were considered as land, property, labor, financial, organizational and managerial relations in agriculture. This distribution of relations makes it possible to organize the production and economic activities of the subjects of agricultural production in accordance with the goals of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. However, it should be borne in mind that these types of legal relations on a subject basis relate to the regulation of such branches of law as: land law, civil law, labor law, financial law, administrative law. And, only in the aggregate, they, with the participation of agrarian law, form a single organic complex, which makes it possible to solve the problems of effective agricultural activity. In modern socio - economic conditions, it would be legitimate to add ecological relations to the listed types of agrarian legal relations. The state does not manage agricultural organizations, but affects the behavior of people through the established rights and obligations in the field of organizing and conducting agricultural production and disposing of its results through the sale of agricultural products, raw materials and food at the domestic level and on the international agro-food market. Comprehensive legal regulation of relations in agriculture, taking into account the specifics of the agricultural sector, as well as the interest of the Russian state in the development of domestic agriculture, ensuring its food security and the socio-economic existence of rural areas, contributes to the formation of agricultural legislation. For a better regulation of the complex of agricultural relations, great importance is attached to agrarian law as an integrator of legal norms of various branches of law under the subject of legal regulation - production, processing and sale of agricultural products, raw materials and food, as well as the socio-economic development of rural areas.

Issue № 12, December 2021, article № 11

Trends and benchmarks for the development of the domestic pork market

The article is devoted to the development of the domestic market of pork, the search for new vectors of its functioning in modern conditions. The main objectives of the study are: the justification of the importance of developing the national pork market in connection with the presence of internal and external factors, assessment of problems and prospects of its development in modern economic conditions, the definition of guidelines for the functioning of the pork market. In the course of the analysis the role of Russia in world production, export and import of pork products has been outlined. In order to develop guidelines for the development of the pork market, the following were studied: demand (in particular, the volume of pork consumption per capita); supply (in particular, indicators of the domestic pork industry - production and livestock, leading regions in pork production); prices for different types of meat products and their growth rates; population income and their growth rates; volumes, structure and geography of export-import operations. The practical use of the results of the study will reduce the risks for pork market subjects, will contribute to the realization of the accumulated potential of the pork industry, will provide alternatives in solving problems of development of the pork market at the present stage. The directions of development of the pork market presented in the study can be used in developing strategies and programs for the development of national and regional pork markets.