
Modern development of fisheries in Russia: food security and innovative aspects

In the modern world, global processes of depletion of the world's natural resources are taking place, the rates of use of aquatic biological resources have long outstripped the rates of their reproduction and natural growth. The relevance of the study is the state of aquatic biological resources and their availability is a priority at the global and regional levels. The purpose of the research is to reveal the current level of development of the Russian fisheries, to study the problems of the domestic fishing and fish farming industry, to reveal the prospects for the development of innovations and new technologies in the development of aquaculture volumes of the Russian Federation. The author's team in the study set the solution of the main task – to analyze the importance of the development of new technologies in increasing the volume of aquaculture in the fisheries complex of Russia as a driver of food security of the population of the Russian Federation. The methodology of the research conducted by the author is based on general scientific methods of cognition: analysis and synthesis, historical and comparative methods, as well as mathematical and statistical methods of study. Conclusions. The conducted studies of the state and development of the Russian fisheries complex allowed us to determine the role and importance of fishing and fish farming in the system of food security of the population, as well as to identify a number of the most important modern problems of the industry. The main factors and conditions for the effective development of fisheries in Russia are the modernization of the fleet, state support and investment, the creation of new innovative and the use of existing technologies, the development of aquaculture volumes, the implementation of purposeful joint activities of government bodies, fish production, trade and the scientific sphere.

Justification of the size of the production of organic grain crops in the biological system of agriculture

The relevance of substantiating the size of grain production in the biological system of agriculture is due to the need to increase the efficiency of grain production. Since 2015, the gross production of grain and leguminous crops in Russian agricultural organizations has increased by 30.9%. The main factors limiting the trend in the growth of grain production are outdated technologies and domestic selection lagging behind world achievements in this area. The impact of technology on the grain yield, according to experts, is approximately 60%, so the improvement of the technology of growing grain should be given priority. This will increase the export potential for grain and products of its processing. To increase the efficiency of grain production and increase the volume of their production, it is necessary to use the possibilities of alternative technologies, among which the biological system occupies an important place. This farming system is actively used in the developed countries of the world: the USA, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark. Its implementation involves a more efficient use of land, maintaining and increasing the natural fertility of the soil. A serious advantage of this technology is a significant reduction in costs due to a change in the concept of tillage, which makes it possible to reduce capital investments in fixed assets by 25-30%. To build a cost-effective biological farming system within a particular agricultural organization, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the boundaries of production efficiency, which consist in the most optimal ratio of the profitability of grain production and the size of agricultural organizations, the level of concentration under grain crops, grain yield, specific the cost of their production. Unfortunately, until now, the issues of the efficiency of using the biological farming system, including those devoted to substantiating the optimal size of the production of grain crops in the biological farming system, have not been widely considered in scientific publications. The relevance of this study is due to the need to identify and solve theoretical, methodological and practical issues related to the justification of the optimal size of the production of grain crops in the system of biological farming.

Pork market in Russia: state and trends

The livestock industry, along with other agricultural markets, shows a positive trend in production. The development of the meat market is impossible without the balanced development of all its subjects. The main subject of the meat market are producers of meat raw materials. The increase in production was essential for the further utilization of processing capacity and for meeting the needs of the population for such a strategically important food product for human life as meat. Pork is in second place among the meat consumed by Russians. The work is devoted to the analysis of the modern conditions of the domestic pork market. The article contains a comprehensive analysis of the pig breeding industry. First of all, the authors grouped the main indicators of the domestic pork market, which are its guidelines for the medium term. The shares of the top 10 pork producing regions in the Russian Federation in 2020 are displayed. The following trends are stated: the growth of the market volume and per capita consumption of pork, an increase in the level of self-sufficiency of pork, an increase in the volume of pork exports, a decrease in pork imports, high volatility in pork prices, an increase in the cost of compound feed. It is noted that an important reserve for saturation of the meat and meat products market is the optimization of the territorial and sectoral placement of meat processing enterprises, the strengthening of the feed base, and the improvement of genetic potential.

Issue № 2, February 2022, article № 10

Trends in the development of pig breeding in the Belgorod region

To solve the main problems related to ensuring the food security of the country requires a thorough assessment of the trends in agricultural production in the main producing regions. The trend in the consumption of meat and meat products in Russia is quite heterogeneous across regions, which is due to various reasons. But one of the ways to solve this problem is to ensure the availability of products not only from the standpoint of production volumes, but also the price component. From this position, it is advisable to monitor production trends not only with a quantitative component, but also with an economic one. Pig products are classified as meat products, the main producers of which are concentrated mainly in the Central Chernozem region, of which the Belgorod region is a part. One of the features of this region is the dominance of integrated formations in the agricultural sector of the economy. Undoubtedly, these enterprises have advantages in terms of the ability to "survive" in a competitive environment through the use of innovative approaches from a technological point of view. But at the same time, medium and small agricultural enterprises of a pig-breeding orientation, which are the subjects of agricultural production in the region, cannot be ignored. Evaluation of the efficiency of pig production at enterprises of different sizes makes it possible to determine the trends in the institutional structure in this sector of the region, which is important for the agrarian policy of the country as a whole.