
Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 9

Topical issues of modern agrarian policy

The modern agricultural sector, as well as the Russian national economy as a whole, and society, is going through a difficult stage of its development due to the crisis of international relations. The purpose of the study was to identify the most relevant areas of implementation of agrarian policy in the current conditions of a decline in the pace of globalization and an increase in the role of the national economy. In the process of work, the authors used the methods of expert assessments and analytical generalizations. The article provides a critical analysis of the historical development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia, organizational and economic agrarian reforms, new challenges and threats in solving food security problems. The authors cite the world experience of reforming agriculture, the features of Russian rural development. The selection of the most pressing issues was carried out on the basis of all-Russian long-term trends. As the basic problems, the authors identified aspects of accumulation, distribution and protection of property, including land, greening and staffing of agricultural industries by highly qualified specialists satisfied with the living conditions in rural areas. The importance of education and science, new forms of training and retraining of personnel in agricultural universities is highlighted. For the successful implementation of the tasks given in the article, it is advisable at this stage of the development of our agrarian economy to introduce into practice more effective mechanisms of interaction between science, production, and education. And then it will really be possible to say with confidence that the problems created from abroad for our country can become a source of opportunities and potential development, including and especially in the agricultural sector.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 15

The role of biotechnology in the innovative and economic development of agriculture

Innovation is currently the main element of the effective development of the state's economy. In developed foreign countries, increased attention is paid to innovation in various fields, including agriculture. One of the most promising areas of innovative development is biotechnology, the achievements of which find their application in a wide range of human activities. Agricultural biotechnology is based on achievements in the field of cellular and molecular biology, genetic engineering, the essence of which can be defined as a set of techniques and methods that provide a directed change in the hereditary properties of an organism by direct gene transfer or by influencing the genes that determine a particular genetic trait. An important direction in the development of biotechnology is the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), in particular agricultural crops with specified properties. The most common introduced properties necessary to increase agricultural productivity have become plant resistance to herbicides and insect pests. The article examines the current state of the world production of agricultural GM crops, the main of which at the moment are herbicide-resistant and insect-resistant soybeans, corn, cotton and rapeseed. The data concerning the area of cultivation of GM crops in various regions and countries, the economic costs and benefits of farmers growing them, the volume of additional production growth for the period from 1996 to 2019 are presented. Attention is paid to the legal issues of the turnover of GMOs, the problem of assessing their safety for humans and animals in countries representing two different approaches in this area: the United States and Europe, as well as the perception of GMOs by the world public in connection with concerns about their safety.