
Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 13

Modeling of pricing for agricultural products in the system of food subcomplexes

Prices are the most important tool in the system of regulation of the reproductive process of economic activity. Consumer activity in the product market and the filling of internal sources of financing of economic activity of producers depend on their size. The purpose of the study was to assess the existing approaches to pricing in the agro-industrial complex, to identify the causes of price disparity, priorities and directions for improving the initial factors of price formation modeling. The article reflects the interrelationships of price relations in the product subcomplex of the agroindustrial complex, methods, methods and tools for the formation of pricing models at different stages of the creation of the final product. Digitalization of economic processes today allows us to use a large amount of various modeling tools: programming elements, algorithms for calculating situational events, neural networks, artificial intelligence and many others, which allow us to identify mutually influencing factors, assess the closeness of their interaction and simulate the result of a change in the size of both a single indicator characterizing the corresponding factor and several. However, the viability of the final model largely depends on the completeness and adequacy of the initial information. As the analysis showed, among the many different factors, such as the seasonality of agricultural production, product quality, consumer ability of the population, government regulation deserves special attention. The importance of state control over changes in the level of food prices is especially aggravated in the context of sanctions, counter-sanctions, changes in export policy regarding the products of the Russian agro-industrial complex. Effective interaction between business and the state in the direction of increasing the consumer capacity of the country's population will contribute to GDP growth and the solution of many other national tasks.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 1

Diagnostic of the development of agricultural-purpose land consolidation

Consolidation of lands from structure of agricultural grounds is focused on reduction of number of the small, shattered, irrationally created land shares, assumes use of instruments of initiation of voluntary exchange of plots for formation of large units taking into account spatial and territorial conditions, the areas, forms of the land plots. The methodology of diagnostics of development of consolidation of the agricultural land has to consider six aspects of improvement of land use: feasibility study; training, questioning; existence old, development of new norms, rules; correction of institutional structure; carrying out specific (pilot) project; consolidation of lands on a constant basis. Owing to the carried-out assessment of large volume of data on the countries of Europe, Asia, North America it is revealed that development of effective norms, rules, observance of voluntary exchange (purchase) of the fragmented lands, prevalence of the stimulating function over fiscal function, application of geographic information systems and technologies contribute to the development of process of consolidation of the agricultural land. In the countries of North America legislatively adjustable procedure applied to correction of structure of the landed property is carried out on a constant basis. Existence of organizational and economic elements of the mechanism of management of land resources is traced in the Oryol, Tambov regions, however in general in the Russian Federation due attention of consolidation of the agricultural land is not paid.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 2

The infrastructure of the Russian organic market: methodology and practice

The modern Russian organic market relies on regulatory framework, which is although being not fully implemented, but already includes basic federal law on organic products and a number of national standards regulating organic production, merchandise flow, as well as the issues related to terminology and classification. For the past decade, the progress in the regulatory framework, as well as the enthusiasm of individual organic producers and distributors and related branch unions have improved some indicators the organic market development. However, given the significant natural and socio-economic potential of the domestic organic market, Russia is still far behind foreign achievements in this area in terms of key indicators ofproduction, trade and consumption of organic products. One of the main reasons for this is the inadequate state of the infrastructure of the Russian organic market. The relevance of this topic is determined by the insufficient knowledge of this problem from a theoretical point of view. In this regard, the main purpose of the article is to contribute to the methodology of the organic market infrastructure, which has practically not yet been formed. The concept of "organic market" is clarified, and the author's definition the "organic market infrastructure" is also proposed. The main components of the organic market infrastructure, reflecting their properties and functional features have been identified. A classification of infrastructure components is proposed, in which eight components were identified, distributed into two groups being entitled as nonphysical and physical infrastructure. A simplified schematic model describing the interaction between selected infrastructure elements and the processes ofproduction, distribution and final consumption of organic products has been developed. The main problems and the related roadmaps for each of the selected infrastructure components are viewed briefly.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 5

Quality of labor resources in Russian regions

Labor resources are one of the most important demographic characteristics and economic indicators. However, it would not be entirely correct to reduce the assessment of the size of labor resources only to measuring the population of a certain age and its dynamics by region. The purpose of this article is to estimate the labor force on the basis ofpublicly available statistical data. The novelty of the work lies in the attempt to develop a single indicator that simultaneously reflects the size and quality of the labor resources of the regions of Russia. The working hypothesis is that the quality of labor resources is not the same across the country, it tends to increase in the centers of attraction for workers, which are large cities. The study uses a graphical method of working with data, statistical and tabular analysis. One of the most important results worth noting is the introduction of the labor force index as a function of several statistical values that characterize not only the labor force, but also the level of education and health care in the regions. The uneven distribution of labor resources across the regions of Russia and the impact of labor migration are noted. A further direction of work may be a more detailed study of the components of the labor force index with the expansion of the number of indicators used. In other words, it is advisable to consider labor resources together with the development of the human capital of the regions.

Issue № 3, March 2022, article № 6

Research of agrarian economy at the regional level: foreign experience

The proposed article analyzes and summarizes the main works devoted to the study of the agrarian economy on the scale of one or more regions in foreign countries. The paper formulates the theoretical foundations for this area of research. Priority areas of research in developed countries within the framework of a given topic are: a comparative analysis of concentration at the national and regional levels, as well as issues of regional convergence. Despite the importance of analyzing trends in the development of rural areas in developed countries, the relevant literature contains practically no solutions for rural areas in developing countries, since it does not take into account a number of important factors related to the lack of financial resources of rural residents, underdevelopment of infrastructure and services. In developing countries, there is an uneven, rather strongly segmented economic development of the regions. The priority areas for research into regions in developing countries are the connection of rural areas with markets (considered on the example of Latin American countries), assessment of the level of integration of commodity markets (on the example of India), development of insurance and lending to manufacturers, analysis of factors for increasing labor productivity in rural areas. The study of factors in the development of transport and information infrastructure are also important areas of study of the agrarian economy of the region. The conclusions and suggestions made as a result of the generalization of foreign experience are substantiated.