
Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 3

Determinants of management of land resources in agriculture

The research is executed for the purpose of identification of major factors (determinants) making impact on the organizational and economic mechanism of management of land resources in agriculture. Studying of institutional determinants allowed to establish that formal institutes become inefficient or need legislative improvement. Not always accepted standards and rules have an adaptive mechanism of their maintenance. High level of transactional costs for many years interferes with timely registration of land shares in property that has negative impact on efficiency of their use. One of important organizational determinants of management - regulation of the land relations regarding use of agricultural grounds which is characterized by lack of centralization, variety of legal forms, structures, governing bodies of agriculture now that leads to abuses, development of the sector of not observed economy, reduction of collecting of land payments. At this conjuncture there is a need of entering of amendments into land policy for improvement of the regional land legislation, increase in level of management of land resources. Economic determinants give the chance to administer the landed property at the regional level for the purpose of obtaining material benefit agricultural producers, timely implementation by them of obligations for land tax. Payments for use of lands from structure of agricultural grounds can go for their protection, increase in soil fertility.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 6

Analysis of differentiation of consumption, nutritional and energy value of the diet of the population of the Russia

In scientific publications of agricultural economists, issues of ensuring food security, including indicators for assessing food security, are widely discussed. It should be noted that the methodological approaches to food security assessment set out in the scientific works of Russian scientists do not take into account all areas of food security assessment. In this direction, there are many unexplored issues concerning both the production of agricultural products and the provision of food to the population. An important place should be given to the analysis of indicators characterizing the level of differentiation of consumption, nutritional and energy value of food consumed by the population of the Russian Federation. Such an analysis allows us to give an objective assessment of food consumption, its quality and energy value by various socio-demographic groups of the population, differentiated by income level. This approach is largely due to the need to obtain objective information about the state of food security at the national level. At the same time, the system of indicators for assessing food security should be structured and justified, and indicators could be calculated on the basis of available information. This article is devoted to the assessment of the differentiation of consumption, nutritional and energy value of food and involves consideration of a wide range of issues. However, due to the limited volume of the publication, not all issues are presented fully enough, other issues are of a debatable nature, and some are disclosed due to the lack of an information base.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 9

Resuming Antarctic krill fishing: a retrospective and development targets

The article deals with the urgent problem of resuming the production of Antarctic krill in Russia. The presented retrospective analysis of the achievements of Antarctic krill production in the Soviet period, the analysis of the state of Antarctic krill production by the countries participating in the modern international fishery make it possible to predict the volume of production of Antarctic krill and targets for the development of this direction for the period up to 2030. The most important conditions for the development of domestic fisheries based on the optimal use of krill resources are substantiated, including the need to use the positive experience of developing the industry of the Soviet era and the leading countries participating in modern international fishing, both in the scientific and technical field and in the organization of production; pursuing a protectionist state policy, developing state support measures, including tools to support and stimulate Russian companies, scientific and expeditionary research and development (conducted by VNIRO together with the Federal Agency for Fishery) for the extraction and processing of krill. As urgent tasks in the field of fishing and krill production, among other things, the following are highlighted: attracting investments, the need to re-equip the fishing fleet, the introduction of modern resource-saving technologies, continuous fishing technologies, the training of modern highly qualified personnel capable of working effectively with innovative digital technologies.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 11

Study of the state and prospects of the cognac industry in Russia

Over the past 40 years, domestic cognac production has repeatedly undergone serious tests. At first, it was an anti-alcohol campaign from 1985-1987, when cognac production decreased by 30% in one year. Then, after a short period of recovery and growth, the economic crisis of the 1990s came, as a result of which the cognac industry was practically destroyed by 1995. Production amounted to only about 12,5% of the 1989 maximum. Since 1998, the revival of the domestic cognac industry begins. The author's goal was to statistically analyze the long-term trends in the development of the cognac industry in Russia, which was achieved using statistical tools. Information sources such as the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations were used to compile the data set of the study. The main results of the study are the following: Viticulture, and therefore winemaking, was greatly affected by the state's struggle with alcohol consumption in the late 1980s, as a result of which the industry was «thrown back» in development and in the 1990-s began a new stage of development; the production of heavy alcohol and primarily vodka over the past 30 years has significantly decreased, while there is a rapid increase in beer production, cognac production over the period 1990-2020. increased by 38%; the leading position in the production of cognac in 2020 is occupied by the Stavropol Territory, in the bottling of the Moscow Region, but in the past 10 years, Perm and Kaliningrad manufacturers have taken a significant share of the domestic market; the largest market share is occupied by such companies as CJSC Stavropol VKZ – 16,8% of the market, JSC Bastion – 13,1%, LLC Vinno-Cognac Plant ALYaNS-1892 – 11,9%, unfortunately, high-quality cognac from JSC Derbent Cognac Plant is practically not represented on the Russian market; along with the increase in the production of domestic cognac at the interval of 2015-2020, there is an increase in its imports, which indicates the demand for this drink in the domestic market. The results of the study can be used in scientific and practical activities when considering the long-term dynamics of cognac production and consumption in Russia.