
Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 10

Methodical features of modeling of production and industry structure of agroformations

The purpose of the study is to increase the motivation, interest of managers and specialists of agricultural formations in the practical application of economic and mathematical methods and models for effective management of production processes. The objectives of the study are determined by clarifying the methodical features of solving problems that arise when using optimization modeling methods in the activities of agricultural organizations and subsequent assessment, interpretation of the obtained model results. During the study, the authors used classical models, the solution of which was carried out by linear programming methods. The article updates the need to use modeling methods in the agricultural sector of the economy to increase the level of competitiveness and efficiency of production and economic activities of domestic agricultural formations. The methodical aspects of modeling the industrial and industrial structure of agricultural formations are considered. It has been shown that the use of optimization modeling methods makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of planning and economic work in agricultural organizations, ensuring the sustainable development of business entities in the near future. It is summarized that the key condition and objective requirement for the formation of an optimal production structure and the determination of an effective option for conducting agricultural business is the real use of economic and mathematical methods in the practice of prospective planning.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 12

The current state of potato breeding and seed production in the Russia

In recent years, certain successes have been achieved in the field of potato breeding and seed production, which are mainly related to the implementation of the subprogram «Development of potato breeding and seed production in the Russian Federation» of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program aimed at reducing dependence on imported seed material, as well as the creation of a domestic modern innovative seed production system. In the Russian Food Security Doctrine, as an evaluation criterion, the share of domestic seed production of the main agricultural crops cultivated in Russia should be at least 75% of the demand. According to industry experts, the share of imported seed potatoes is currently about 30–50%. However, if we take into account imported tubers of propagated potatoes, which in fact cannot be considered domestic seed material, this figure will be much higher. The «National report on the progress and results of the implementation in 2020 of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets» noted that the share of domestic produced and sold potato varieties of the «elite» category amounted to only 2.1%, that is, according to our estimates, about 15 thousand quintals. The issue of complete replacement of imported seed remains open, which determined the main purpose of this study. The article provides a detailed analysis of the current state of potato breeding and seed production offers suggestions for stimulating and further its development. The issues discussed in the article can be reflected in the concept of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia for the medium and long term.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 14

The potential for the formation of an export-oriented grain cluster in the region

The article discusses the current state of the export potential of the agro-industrial complex of the region as a whole, and explores the possibilities of forming an export-oriented cluster of the grain product subcomplex. The study and assessment of the prospects and potential for the development of an export-oriented cluster were carried out in relation to the natural and climatic conditions of the Saratov region. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the study used materials from the Ministries of Economic Development and Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Saratov Region, the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), and the Federal Customs Service (FTS) of Russia. To achieve this goal, empirical (observation, comparison) and theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction) were used. Companies producing and processing products of the grain product subcomplex are relatively compact geographically located in the region, which creates real prerequisites for their association into an export cluster. One of the approaches to the formation of a cluster is considered as a mechanism for the process of influencing an object. At the same time, management functions are implemented through legislative, financial, economic, organizational and administrative methods of influence to ensure the continuous development of the object (in our case, a cluster), which is confirmed by the relative indicators of the region's export opportunities. Studies of the dynamics and structure of exports of agricultural products of the region allow us to conclude that the possibilities of organizational and economic structures and management levels in the agro-industrial complex of the country, region, and the grain industry have created all the prerequisites for the formation and development of an export-oriented cluster of grain products subcomplex in the region.

Issue № 4, April 2022, article № 1

Some arguments to the methodology for calculating the level of self-sufficiency of Russia with major agricultural crops: methodological aspect

The article gives a brief description of the current state of agriculture in the country. It is noted that over the past nine years, the agro-industrial complex has become a driver of growth of the domestic economy due to an increase in labor productivity. At the same time, domestic agricultural production is not high-tech and largely depends on the availability of both fixed and working capital. The purpose of the study is to adapt existing methods to calculate the level of self-sufficiency of the country with products obtained from the main crops and the creation of their reserve fund at different levels of reliability. This makes it possible to offer it to the Government of Russia and all interested executive authorities at both federal and regional levels. The formula of the Federal State Statistics Service (hereinafter referred to as Rosstat), published in the annotation to the statistical bulletin "Consumption of basic foodstuffs of the Russian Federation", was adopted as the basis for calculations, according to which an indicator characterizing the country's food security is determined on the basis of the balance of food resources. This formula can be successfully used in calculating the volume of production of major agricultural crops, taking into account the products obtained for their domestic consumption. The paper presents methodological approaches to the bioenergetic assessment of individual agrotechnical techniques in the production of basic crops. In addition, it is proposed to use a methodological approach developed at the FSBSI FRC AESDRA VNIIESH back in 2013 to calculate the amount of the creation of a reserve fund of major agricultural crops in the country. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the production possibilities of a particular main crop, as well as probabilistic dependencies in fluctuations in its yield over the years, depending on weather conditions and availability of fixed and working capital. Such an integrated approach can serve as one of the directions of the concept of innovative development of the agroindustry complex of Russia for the medium and long term.