
Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 12

Economic mechanism of integration of agricultural, processing and marketing organizations in the region

The article discusses the possibilities of forming an economic mechanism for the systemic integration of agricultural, processing and marketing enterprises in the region. The regional agro-industrial complex is presented as a sphere of systemic action of integration processes. Two methodological approaches are used to define the concept of «economic mechanism of system integration»: the mechanism as an instrument of influence and the process of managing an object, and the mechanism as a tool for the interaction of subjects. The systematization of the definitions and structure of economic mechanisms in the industry makes it possible to single out the mechanisms of management and interaction and mechanisms-patterns. The concept of a system, in accordance with the objectives of the study, is defined as a set of elements that are in relationships or connections with each other, forming integrity or organic unity. The combination and combination of these elements, from the position of defining the concept of "mechanisms of system integration" as a certain sequence of interrelated economic phenomena of an objective nature, is presented in the form of a diagram. Defined: structuring mechanisms, functional mechanisms, mechanisms of adaptation and sustainability (economic relations). The internal mechanisms of the system are complemented by the mechanisms of its interaction with the external environment. A feature of the presented structure of the management mechanism is the specific role of the center-integrator, which determines the rules for the "work" of the economic mechanism, but at the same time, a weak feedback of the subjects and the integrator. The study of the mechanism of system integration in the regional aspect led to the conclusion that it consists of two dialectically interacting parts: state-regional and initiative-market mechanisms for regulating this process.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 13

The mechanism of formation of organizational and managerial relations at agricultural enterprises in the context of system integration

In modern economic and political conditions, the most important aspect for study is the search for the most effective solutions to improve the efficiency of functioning of the sectors of the agro-industrial complex that are strategically important for ensuring the economic independence of the state. Undoubtedly, the most important place in this issue is occupied by the grain product subcomplex, which determines the degree of food independence of the country's regions. One of the currently relevant tools for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural production is system integration. The paper considers an example of a successful integration association in the grain product subcomplex of the Saratov region - these are partially interacting on integration principles in the full cycle of production and marketing «grain - flour - bakery products»: CJSC «Zolotoy Vek» (agricultural commodity producer), CJSC «Balakovokhleb» (processor - bakery) of the Balakovo region and trade organizations of the Saratov region. Calculations showed that the mutually beneficial alliance, well-established organizational and production relations of these enterprises led to high results of their activities. In the course of research, we have developed a mechanism for an organizational subsystem for the integration of agricultural, processing and marketing enterprises in the region, which is based on an approach to building matrix management structures that are flexible and able to function effectively in multitasking mode. The achievement of a synergistic effect occurs due to the optimization of organizational and managerial relations and financial flows at the level of production units, which become the determinant elements of the system with a clearly regulated mechanism for regulating the reproduction process. The study of the experience of integration formations allowed us to determine the procedure for building organizational and managerial relations in similar formations of the grain product subcomplex at the general integration and internal levels of management, taking into account the specifics of the organizational and production structure and the composition of management entities.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 1

Green food production as an innovative direction in the agricultural sector of China

Modern agricultural sector in China is developing under sharp environmental contrasts. China is striving for green growth of the national economy and has already achieved notable success in this regard. This is true for the production and consumption of organic food, the use of the renewables, and the development of circular economy particularly. At the same time, a number of key environmental issues, including the agricultural sector, have not yet been solved. By the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) China in 2020 was ranked 120 in the world, behind almost all the world's leading economies. The Chinese agricultural sector can be considered as a significant reserve for the implementation of green growth concept. The evidence for this is the multilevel system the Chinese Ecological Agriculture (CEA), which has been operating for more than 30 years, including the production of safe food, green food and organic food. The article presents criteria distinguishing these environmentally driven areas. The analysis of the production and sale of green food, being defined as innovation area both in China and globally has been emphasized mostly. The key indicators of the Chinese green food market are analyzed, including the dynamics of the cultivated land area, domestic market size, and export volumes. Special emphasis has been placed to the government control over green food in the aspects of management competencies, standardization and certification. Issues of the Chinese green food market development are identified generally.

Issue № 5, May 2022, article № 5

Priorities for the development of the agrarian sphere of the economy require clarification

The article was prepared on the basis of a report made at the annual meeting of the Departments of Agricultural Sciences RAS on April 5, 2022. It gives a brief assessment of the development of the agrarian sphere of the economy and its main industry - agriculture, and indicates the old systemic problems that hinder their functioning. These include, in particular: chronic investment insufficiency and relatively low rates of technical and technological renewal and modernization of the agro-industrial complex; the imperfection of the existing price relations and the continuing structural deformation in the development of the agrarian sphere of the economy; traditionally relatively low level of socio-economic development of the village. It was to solve many these systemic problems that scientific research was directed in the field of economics, land relations and the social development of the village. In addition, proposals are given were made to mitigate sanctions against our country regarding the development of the agrarian sphere of the economy. In this regard, it is noted that it is necessary to change and timely adapt the problems of scientific research of organizations, primarily in the short term. The subject of their scientific research should undergo appropriate changes, to a greater extent meeting the needs of the development of the agrarian sphere of the economy and rural territories of the country.