
Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 4

Assessment of the level of poverty and the standard of living of the rural population in the Saratov region

An assessment of the poverty level of the rural population of the Saratov region was carried out on the basis of both foreign and domestic scientific approaches. The poverty index was calculated based on the methodology proposed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). To determine the social status and standard of living of residents of rural areas of the Saratov region, a questionnaire was developed and an anonymous survey of respondents was conducted. The survey involved 100 people with different social status and age. The study revealed that over the entire study period, the proportion of the poor in the Volga Federal District was higher than in Russia as a whole (by about 1.5–2%). In the Saratov region, the poverty index exceeded the national indicator by 2–3 times over the study period from 2013 to 2019, which is primarily due to a higher proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level (the regional indicator is 15.5%, the indicator in the country - 12.3% in 2019). In the region, this indicator showed a slight downward trend - from 0.332 to 0.304, while the poverty index in the Russian Federation decreased from 0.167 to 0.117. According to the processing of the questionnaires, it can be concluded that the average salary of the respondents ranges from 15,865–22,865 rubles, which is much lower than the official average regional value of 33,544.50 rubles. Of all respondents, only 18% noted the possibility of obtaining additional income. A general conclusion is drawn that the gap in the standard of living of the rural and urban population entails an outflow of residents of rural areas to cities, as well as high social tension.

Issue № 6, June 2022, article № 8

The influence of the dynamics of the food market on the stability of the financial position of producers (on the example of the sunflower oil market)

The article examines the current state of the sunflower oil market in Russia and also attempts to identify and measure the relationship between the financial position of producers of this type of product with aggregated macroeconomic indicators that characterize the development of the market. Quantitative measurement of the relationship between intra-economic and macroeconomic indicators makes it possible to predict crisis phenomena and timely develop measures to prevent their negative impact on the activities of individual business entities. The sunflower oil market in Russia is developing dynamically and progressively – over the period from 2005 to 2020, the physical volume of production increases significantly, the value of exports of this commodity item increases even more significantly. The domestic demand for sunflower oil is provided by its own production, as evidenced by the steady decline in the dynamics of imports. As an indicator reflecting the stability of the financial position of sunflower oil producing enterprises, the autonomy coefficient calculated on average for their entire totality is considered. The dynamics of the relative indicator under consideration is most influenced by the following aggregated macroeconomic indicators: domestic retail price, export price, price of raw materials, the share of domestic consumption in the volume of production. The internal retail price, as well as the share of domestic consumption in the volume of production, determine the positive dynamics of the autonomy coefficient. The export price, as well as the cost of raw materials, affect the indicator of financial stability downward. The main macroeconomic factors that have determined the financial situation of sunflower oil producers in Russia are the restrictions caused by the physiological need of a person, as well as the stability of the export price for this commodity product.