
Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 13

Improving the regional mechanism for supporting the export of agricultural products

In the conditions of a difficult political and economic situation, which causes the uncertainty of the external environment, the risks of international relations, the issue of improving the organizational and economic mechanism of export support in Russia becomes urgent. Despite the positive dynamics of the implementation of the national project "International Cooperation and Export", problems and barriers to the development of export activities in the regions remain, which are intensified under the influence of sanctions pressure, restrictive measures and the transformation of global markets. Methods of comparative analysis, situational and systematic approaches to the study of economic reality are used to form directions for improving the regional mechanism for supporting the export of agricultural products. The main problem is that despite the implementation of measures and forms of support for export activities, there is a low initiative among the subjects of the agro-industrial complex and a lack of economic interest among potential exporters. The existing control indicators for the implementation of regional export standards do not reflect the real situation with export support in the regions and are not informative in terms of the impact on the volume of agricultural exports. In order to solve the problem, strategic management of export activities and the creation of a comprehensive and scientifically based assessment of the effectiveness of measures and tools to support Russian exporters of agricultural products at the regional level within the framework of the regional export standards being implemented are proposed, which will increase the manageability and efficiency of projects for the development of agro-exports in Russia.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 14

Components of the mechanism of agricultural management in modern economic conditions

The article discusses the relationship between the components of the management system, the role of the state, strategic management, concentration of resources in the agricultural sector; factors affecting the concentration of agricultural production in the new economic conditions, their contradictions, as well as the effects of concentration as an economic process. The strategic management system of the industry is strengthened if the concentration of economic resources of agricultural production increases, agricultural enterprises develop technologically, and the specialization of enterprises deepens. Important properties of the management system that allow setting large and at the same time achievable goals are the high concentration of resources in the agricultural sector and their efficient use, economies of scale, resource balance, the implementation of new forms of international food trade, including clearing. The effectiveness of agricultural management at different levels is also manifested in the development of specialization of sub-sectors and specific enterprises, cooperation, integration of the industry into supranational systems, such as the EAEU, the use of key mechanisms to improve efficiency, targeted cost reduction while increasing product quality, a corresponding reduction in product prices agriculture and food, increasing labor productivity, spreading the best economic, organizational, technological and other practices, centralized collection of the best solutions vertically of individual enterprises with their subsequent scaling horizontally across the economy of the entire industry.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 15

Methodological approach to the analysis of the state of the housing stock and engineering infrastructure of the village as a condition for the development of the rural local economy

Infrastructure is a mandatory component of the socio-economic system, it ensures the normal economic activity of the economy as a whole and the living conditions of the population. Analysis of the state of the housing stock and engineering infrastructure of the village is an urgent task for determining the conditions for the development of the rural local economy. The quantitative and qualitative heterogeneity of the infrastructure necessitates the compilation of a typology of the constituent entities of the Russia according to the state of the housing stock, the level of provision with infrastructure facilities. The purpose of the study is to form a system of indicators for the infrastructure of rural settlements and develop a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of rural areas in terms of the level of infrastructure development and the state of the housing stock. The methodology is based on the method of principal components. To restore the missing data, the methods of the statistical environment R were used. The developed methodology makes it possible to form typological groups of rural areas and assess the impact of the level of infrastructure development on the sustainability of the development of the rural local economy. Directions for further research are related to the analysis of the dynamics of development of the infrastructure of rural settlements and, on its basis, the development of a methodology for assessing the dynamics of infrastructure development and the formation of a typology of subjects of the Russia according to the dynamics of the development of engineering infrastructure and the state of the housing stock of the village.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 16

The largest owners of agricultural land in Russia

The article presents the annual rating of the largest landowners of agricultural land in Russia by status for 2022 compiled by BEFL in cooperation with the FSBSI FRC AESDRA VNIIESH. The data analysis was carried out solely for the purpose of determining the main owners of agricultural land on the territory of Russia and the approximate size of the area of their land banks. The aim of the authors was not to identify all the owners of agricultural land with an area of more than 100 thousand hectares. The term "under control" in this material means ownership of agricultural land on the right of ownership, lease or other legal right. It is possible that there are other market participants who own land banks comparable to those listed in this material, but not included in the presented rating. For the preparation of analytical data, public information was used, disclosed by the landowners themselves and their representatives, shareholders, beneficiaries, opinions of market participants. Due to the high profitability of the plant during 2022 the demand for agricultural assets increased, but the supply was limited. Taking into account the general trend of currency instability and the processes in the global economy, agriculture turned out to be a stable area for investment in conditions of a limited availability of more reliable alternatives. By the end of 2021 – the beginning of 2022, prices for arable land increased by 30-50% in the center and south of Russia, and in some regions the increase was almost twofold. Even with a limited number of offers, the M&A market in the crop sector remained active. Large agricultural holdings continued to expand their land banks, during the year the total bank of the top ten grew by more than 300 thousand hectares.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 1

Expert assessment of rural human capital Belgorod region

The article substantiates the relevance of conducting an expert assessment of rural human capital, which in modern conditions characterized by an increasing level of social exclusion and de-intellectualization of the rural population, as well as the expansion of COVID-19, is an effective impulse to accelerate socio-economic processes and continues to be the most popular resource and determining factor in the formation of the information society. Despite the variety of estimates of human capital, a unified approach to its measurement has not yet been developed. The most difficult problem is the lack of indicators that take into account the peculiarities of the formation and use of human capital in rural areas, which is primarily due to the information "opacity" of data. In addition, the indicators characterizing its qualitative characteristics are important for evaluation. From these positions, the article substantiates a new approach to the analysis of rural human capital, taking into account its main elements: education capital, health capital, social and labor capital and intellectual capital. Comparative and abstract-logical analysis, institutional and systemic approaches, the method of scoring and the method of simplifications were used as research methods. The main result of the study was an assessment of: the general education of rural residents and the state of the education sector; satisfaction of the rural population with their health and the level of medical care; adaptation to rural lifestyle and improvement of cultural level; opportunities for self-realization and the use of professional skills. The study shows a heterogeneous perception of the problems of human capital development by the experts participating in the survey. Some respondents believe that unsatisfactory living conditions in rural areas, the consequences of the pandemic together limit the accumulation of rural human capital, others are convinced that against the background of accelerating digitalization processes, there will be positive changes in its use. In any case, for the gradual transformation of human capital into a significant factor in the development of rural areas, a long-term socio-economic policy aimed at developing the processes of reproduction of human capital with phased implementation in each region of Russia is necessary.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 2

On the issue of economic development of rural areas of Russia

The rural area of Russia is two–thirds of the country's land resources, including over 220 million hectares of agricultural land. The share of the rural population in the total population exceeds 25%. Labor and land resources are the basis of the economic potential of society, the country, individual territories and industries. Rural areas are of particular importance in activating this potential, which is possible only when the state creates certain organizational and economic conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and local self-government in rural areas. The article, based on economic and statistical, monographic methods, the method of expert evaluation, provides a critical analysis of the modern development of rural areas of Russia, the expediency of using programmatic and design approaches to solving rural problems, the possibility of using new models and tools of economic organization in practice, in particular, increasing the level of state support for rural (farm) farms, dissemination of best practices of effective work of national enterprises, ancestral estates, the cooperative system "support farmer", development of alternative agricultural activities in rural areas, including agro-tourism and others. Currently, it is advisable to revive strategic planning and regulation of economic and social processes in the rural economy. In the meantime, this is not the case, large business ensures its efficiency to a greater extent due to state support, while small business ensures its own efforts, patriotism and private interest in preserving and increasing its farms and the material well–being of the family. Carefully studying the theory and practice of agrarian relations and reforms in Russia and abroad and competently implementing the best solutions in modern times, it is possible to ensure sustainable economic development of rural areas in our country.

Issue № 7, July 2022, article № 4

Directions of reducing the poverty level of rural population in the Saratov region

The system of scientific views on the problem of poverty of the rural population is considered. The toolkit of social contracts for the poor rural population has been adapted, containing two areas: reducing administrative barriers for participants in contractual relations and a set of measures to improve the conditions for providing assistance, including reforming the conditions for supporting the activities of personal subsidiary farms, focused on increasing real incomes and increasing agricultural production; clarified the concept of "working poor" in relation to potential participants in contractual relations. Directions for reducing rural poverty are recommended by improving the conditions for supporting a social contract, which is a form of agreement between the state and a citizen (family), in which social protection agencies provide assistance to citizens with incomes below the subsistence level. It is concluded that the system of social contracts can effectively increase the real incomes of the population both through direct satisfaction of the vital needs of the population, and through its active involvement in the labor market (due to the acquisition of new specialties and employment), as well as the development of own production within the framework of personal subsidiary farms (as a self-employed citizen). Modern multimedia technologies will make it possible to carry out effective remote support of contracts: to carry out explanatory and consulting work, to accept reporting documents, and so on.