
Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 3

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 12

Integration processes as a factor in the development of the fruit and vegetable subcomplex in the region

The development of the horticultural sub-complex has an impact on the formation of food security both in the regions and the country as a whole. At present, the demand for horticultural products in Russia is met by imports of vegetables by 12.3%, of fruits and berries by 59.8%. Despite certain positive developments, the problems of reducing the area under vegetables and perennial plantings, reducing the number of canned fruits and vegetables produced, and concentrating production in households remain unresolved. All this actualizes the need to develop measures to improve the efficiency of the horticultural subcomplex. At the present stage, the main factors hindering the development of the horticultural sub-complex are the lack of equipped premises for storing products, as well as stable channels for its sale. To solve the existing problems, an innovative approach to the development of the fruit subcomplex is needed, namely, improving the infrastructure (creating a system of wholesale distribution centers, implementing on-farm processing of products) and rationalizing relations between the subjects of the agro-food market. One of the relevant tools for increasing the economic efficiency of horticultural production is agro-industrial integration. The advantage of vertical agro-industrial integration is the possibility of using a synergistic effect in the organization of agricultural production, which gives the producer a certain degree of economic freedom, expressed in the maneuvering of transaction costs. The experience of cooperation between producers of fruits and vegetables in the Saratov region with the Pokrovsky Vegetables sales center indicates that the integration of the manufacturer with marketing organizations allows you to competently plan the promotion of goods, control deliveries and set the level of product quality for the supplier-manufacturer.