
Regulatory and legal regulation of agricultural policy in Russia

The modern agro-food sector of Russia is undergoing sectoral and structural and technological changes. For the development of this sector of the economy, which directly affects the level of food security in Russia, it is necessary to eliminate the existing imbalance in the system of regulatory and legal regulation of the country's agrarian policy. The analysis of normative legal acts regulating the agrarian policy of Russia has allowed us to substantiate the necessary directions for the development of the agricultural sector, which should contribute to the increase in the efficiency of the use of available resources and state funds allocated to support agro-industrial production. At the same time, regulatory legal acts regulating the directions of development of the agri-food sector should be based on the relationship of goals, objectives, resource provision and performance evaluation indicators. Regulatory continuity and consistency should be traced, starting from the Law "On the Development of Agriculture", consistently to other regulatory legal acts regulating its development. The results of the study allow us to conclude that it is necessary to revise the content of the Russian Food Security Doctrine and the Development Strategy of the agro-industrial and fish-farming complexes of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. and other regulatory documents regulating the implementation of the agar policy of Russia, taking into account the variability and step-by-step approach to setting strategic goals and objectives. This approach will allow us to evaluate possible options for the development of the industry, taking into account changes in the geopolitical and economic situation.

Issue № 8, August 2022, article № 2

Federal scientific and technical program as an instrument of import substitution in the production of sugar beet in the Russia

Sugar beet in Russia is one of the components of the country's food security. In addition to the production of sugar from beets, its processed products are successfully used in animal husbandry, perfumery, alcohol industry, etc. As noted in the Strategy of Innovative Development of Russia until 2030, it is necessary to achieve a competitive level in all branches of the agro-industrial complex, including in the sub-sector of the sugar beet complex. As the studies have shown, the sugar beet sub–sector is developing - the yield and sugar content of tubers are increasing, the quality of the seed material becomes the determining factor in further increasing the effectiveness of sugar beet production. Until recently, the source of high-quality seeds was imports, the share of domestic seeds accounted for no more than 2 percent. After the adoption of the FNTP and, in particular, the "Subprogram for the development of breeding and seed production of sugar beet", the situation began to change gradually – domestic villages domestic breeders have bred new competitive hybrids, in some cases not inferior in their sowing qualities to imported ones. Innovative technologies have become more widely used – the cultivation of parental forms in vitro, genomic engineering and a number of others. One of the most important achievements obtained with the participation of Russian scientists is the decoding of the sugar beet genome, which will allow using the information obtained for genome-wide studies in order to search for new markers of economically valuable signs of culture; But the "promotion" of domestic hybrids to the fields of beet farms is weak for a number of reasons. In general, the tasks facing the participants of the Subprogram are being fulfilled. But those volumes of seeds, the production of which was planned, are no longer relevant in modern geopolitical conditions. They cannot fully meet the needs of beet-growing farms. Moreover, the seed-growing base destroyed in the nineties has not yet been restored. Even if there are highly productive hybrids without a developed seed system, the industry will have to use imported seeds while they can be purchased. The issues discussed in the article can be reflected in the concept of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia for the medium and long term.