
Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 20

Features of modern regional markets of milk and dairy products in Russia

The article substantiates the socio-economic significance of the functioning of the milk and dairy products market, presents the author's understanding of the category "regional milk market," discloses the factors that affect the milk market in the region. The work updates the main aspects of the functioning of the domestic milk market, focusing on regional features. The main objectives of the study are: revealing the importance of the development of the milk market, assessing modern trends in its development in the Russian Federation and the regions, identifying the peculiarities of functioning at the current stage of economic development, and identifying prospects. During the study, distinctive specific characteristics of the milk market were identified, which must be taken into account when justifying the prospects for its functioning. The role of state influence on market processes occurring in the milk market is indicated. The production indicators characterizing the commodity supply were analyzed, the leading regions in the production of milk and dairy products were identified, a comparative assessment of the amount of demand, the main indicator of which is consumption, was carried out with a rational norm. Market indicators of unsatisfied demand, level of self-sufficiency, degree of saturation, market capacity was evaluated. Priority directions for the development of the milk and dairy market have been highlighted. The results of the analysis of the milk and dairy market presented in the study can be used in the development of strategies and programs for its development both at the national and regional levels.

Agricultural and economic space of the non-black earth and the management strategy on the problem of increasing self-sufficiency in grain of the central macroregion

The growing demand for food has led to the intensification of agricultural production by technogenic means, however, such a load on nature turns into an oversaturation of crop rotations, a violation of the ecological balance, the habitat of people and all living matter. Therefore, along with the development and implementation of technologies for the cultivation of agricultural crops on an industrial basis, humanity is searching for ways to grow them that would reduce energy and, in general, resource consumption of materialized labor, thereby improving the ecological environment. Among the crops that most meet these requirements are cereals, which are less resource-intensive and are characterized by high caloric content at a relatively low cost of production and the price of the product, satisfying the solvency of the population with limited incomes. The functioning of the grain economy is based on the totality of the use of biological, economic and spatial, that is, territorial resources, which, combined with different natural soil fertility and remoteness from sales markets, create a complex system of interaction characteristic of the macro-regions of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russia. Among them, the Central macro-region of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russia (CM NZR) is distinguished by the greatest agricultural potential, with a capacious grain market, but with low self-sufficiency in land resources, as well as their insufficient natural fertility, which together causes a shortage of it here, amounting to almost two-thirds, shown in the article. This shortage of grain is overcome by importation from other remote regions of the country, the purchase of which, together with transport costs, is higher than its own production in the NZR CM. To eliminate such an imbalance of grain by own production, the grain yield here should be at least 4 t/ha, which the Bryansk region already has, although it is characterized by less fertile soils in the Southern Agricultural region. To do this, it is necessary to use the latest achievements in breeding, seed production, technologies and equipment of the Research Institute, shown in the article, the introduction of which, together with investment investments, will increase the self-sufficiency of grain in the Central macroregion. The article describes the long-term transformation of the development of grain farming in the center of the Non-Chernozem region, when the leading position of a particular grain crop was changed.