
New approaches to the development of russian agriculture in the context of increasing global economic instability

The purpose of the study was to analyze the development of Russian agriculture in the context of global economic instability and identify new approaches to the development process. Russian agriculture, being a high-tech industry, ensures the sustainable development of the national economy, food security in difficult climatic and economic conditions. According to the author, it is advisable to include the existing macroeconomic factors characterized by the introduction of restrictions on export-import operations and the localization of regional food markets among the factors significantly affecting the development of Russian agriculture in modern conditions. The analysis of statistical material revealed a decrease in the share of imported food products in the commodity resources of the food retail trade in Russia from 35% to 24 percent, with a significant increase in the volumes and indices of agricultural production by domestic producers. It is concluded that in order to ensure the sustainable development of Russian agriculture in the conditions of sanctions and limited available resources, technological modernization of the existing production capacities of economic entities is necessary, based on the use of developments and technologies of domestic agricultural science, which will ensure the technological independence of the industry. At the same time, the development of digitalization of agriculture will also contribute to the construction of highly competitive and efficient agriculture in Russia.

Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 12

Methodological approach to the analysis of the state of the housing stock and engineering infrastructure of the village as a condition for the development of the rural local economy

The provision of social infrastructure services to the population has a direct impact on the economic efficiency of production, since improving living and recreation conditions, improving the skills of workers contribute to the growth of labor productivity. The analysis of the state of rural infrastructure serves as an urgent task to determine the conditions for the development of rural local economy. The purpose of the study is to form a system of indicators of the infrastructure of rural settlements and to develop a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of rural areas according to the state, level of development and provision of rural population with social infrastructure facilities. The method is based on the method of the main components. Methods of the statistical environment R were used to recover the missing data. The developed methodology makes it possible to form typological groups of rural territories and assess the impact of the level of social infrastructure development on the sustainability of the rural local economy. The directions of further research are related to the analysis of the dynamics of the development of the infrastructure of rural settlements and, based on it, the development of a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of the development of rural social infrastructure and the formation of a typology of the subjects of the Russia.

Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 16

On measures to regulate the price situation in the agro-food market in Russia and the EAEU member states

The article presents the provisions of legal acts that became the basis for price regulation in Russia and in individual EAEU member states in the initial period of the formation of a market economy, and considers the measures and mechanisms of price regulation developed at the present stage. The article emphasizes that in the EAEU countries pricing is based on a liberal principle. At the same time, in the Republic of Belarus, unlike other EAEU member states, liberal pricing is combined with regulated prices. At the same time, each of the EAEU countries applies price regulation measures depending on the current situation of the agricultural market. The article also presents an analysis of the dynamics and price ratios in various areas of AIC in the EAEU member states over the last ten-year period (2012-2021). The analysis revealed that the price disparity, calculated as the ratio of price indices in various areas of agriculture to the base period, is observed in all EAEU member states, except the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author considers the key measures to stabilize prices in the agro-food market taken by the EAEU member states in recent year. The article also emphasizes that in order to stabilize the price situation, it is necessary to form a unified state pricing policy within the EAEU, improve the price monitoring system, and form a common exchange market for EAEU goods.

Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 17

Fruit subcomplex and problems of food supply of the population in the EAEU states

Providing the population of the country with fresh fruits, berries, as well as products of their processing is important for any developed state and is a priority direction of agricultural policy. The functioning of the fruit subcomplex is aimed at supplying vitamin products necessary for good human health, as well as at solving acute socio-economic problems (job creation, income growth, development of rural territories). The article examines the issues of the current state and development of the fruit subcomplex of the EAEU member states, reveals the problems and prospects of economic integration that contribute to achieving its sustainable development in each state of the Union. The purpose of our research is to determine the positions of Russia and the EAEU member states in the market of fruit and berry products, from the point of view of their participation in the all-Union production volumes of fresh products and functional food products obtained as a result of its processing. To achieve this goal, the article provides a comparative analysis of the state of horticulture and fruit processing industry in the EAEU states from 2015 to 2020. The method or methodology of the work. The methodological basis of the study was the data of the statistical bodies of the EAEU states, analytical data of scientific publications, as well as scientific research by scientists and leading specialists in the field of agro-industrial production economics of the Eurasian Economic Union. Methods of statistical analysis were used, on the basis of which conclusions were drawn and directions for solving the problem of food supply with fruit and berry products were determined. Results. The study showed that the main condition for the successful development of the fruit subcomplex in the EAEU countries is to increase the profitability of horticulture based on the intensification and modernization of the processing industry. The cooperation of the EAEU countries in the conditions of increasing sanctions pressure and aggravation of the geopolitical situation in the world should be directed towards the reintegration and development of new cooperative ties in the field of agro-industrial production, technical and technological modernization, the creation of agro-clusters, advanced training of workers, which in general will contribute to solving import substitution issues and increasing economic efficiency.the effectiveness of the analyzed subcomplex.

Issue № 11, November 2022, article № 18