
Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 11


The first positive results of functioning of agriculture of Russia since the period of the collapse of the USSR were achieved after the 2000th when the Government of the country began to carry out the new agrarian policy providing development of the whole complex of the projects connected with granting the state support to set of measures aimed at the development of all spheres of agrarian and industrial complex. Realization of these actions promoted achievement of necessary indicators of import substitution and self-reliance of the state on most the industries of agrarian and industrial complex and also formation of an exportoriented course of development of agrarian production. However, in the conditions of the macroeconomic instability connected with aggravation of a geopolitical situation in the world and which is directly infringing on the interests of domestic agricultural producers there are relevant problems of search of new, more effective forms of the state support of the industry taking into account the developed realities. In this regard the purpose of the presented work is the analysis of the reached level of development of the agricultural production of Russia which is reflected in the main results of its foreign economic activity, a research of features of the existing mechanism of the state support of exportoriented producers of the country, identification in the regional level of "narrow" places of functioning of the industry and also development of practical recommendations about their elimination. Authors investigated the operating mechanism of the state support of participants of foreign economic activity of Russia, subjects of its granting are specified and content at each stage of life cycle of the export project is disclosed. In work for the analyzed period of time dynamics of export and import of agricultural raw materials and food as countrywide, and at the level of its certain regions (Saratov region) is investigated. In article the problem of deficiency of the objects ensuring safety of the produced raw materials (grain) within the explored region taking into account which it is offered to provide target subsidies for purchase of elevators for set of the largest agricultural organizations of area is underlined. It is calculated that realization of the offered actions will require 0.975 million rubles budgetary funds.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 15

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 17


The article analyzes a wide range of techniques and methods for assessing human capital, highlights the features of its measurement in the field of agricultural production. One of these key features is the need to take into account the conditions of capital reproduction, which are largely determined by the development of rural infrastructure. Some indicators characterizing the human capital of the agricultural sector are already presented in methodological approaches to assess the conditions for the formation and development of human capital of territories and regions. These indicators should be supplemented and refined with estimates of the infrastructural provision of labor resources of agricultural production territories. Human capital measurement procedures are based on methods of cost estimation, calculation of future income, analysis of statistical data. Valuation techniques allow us to quantify both the cost parameters of human capital calculated on the basis of financial data and growth indicators, and to evaluate its natural- material form, as well as qualitative characteristics using methods of comparative analysis, normalization of absolute values and the use of conditional indicators. Indicators of infrastructural security of reproduction of human capital should characterize the full range of necessary living conditions in rural areas, be taken into account when developing management decisions on the development of human capital in the agricultural sector, as well as when forming a strategy for long term sustainable growth of domestic agriculture.

Issue № 1, January 2023, article № 18


Currently, the socio-economic conditions necessary for the formation and development of the labor potential of the agricultural sector are changing. In this regard, studies aimed at studying and assessing the socio-economic development of rural areas of the region become relevant, since the problem of developing the labor potential of the village cannot be considered separately from the rural areas themselves. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of current threats to the socio–economic development of agriculture, to study the problems of attracting labor resources to the agricultural sector. The territorial dispersion of settlements in the Amur region, the length of communications and different levels of profitability are a serious deterrent to the development of territories and its labor potential. In the course of the research, the socio–economic conditions necessary for the development of the labor potential of the agricultural sector are analyzed. Digitalization and modernization of the agricultural sector creates demand for such labor resources that have traditional knowledge, as well as skills to work with information and digital technologies. The article analyzes the factors influencing the conditions for the development of labor potential in rural areas of the Amur region. The study is based on official materials of the territorial bodies of state statistics.