
Issue № 3, March 2023, article № 1


The article considers the phenomenon of redundancy as a phenomenon necessary to ensure the strategic stability of various types of systems. Initially, redundancy was considered as a characteristic of technical systems necessary to maintain their survivability, operability and efficiency. As interdisciplinary studies show, redundancy can be considered in relation to other types of systems, for example, social and industrial. The article clarifies and formulates the definition of the concept of strategic sustainability through the implementation of the accuracy of the system parameters, as well as identifies the essential basic features and main characteristics of redundancy of production systems in the agro-industrial complex. On the example of service enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, the features of the organization of repair and warehouse management are analyzed, taking into account the need to ensure redundancy of the parameters of this technological system. The essential importance of ensuring redundancy from the point of view of determining the total area of storage facilities of the service enterprise of the agro-industrial complex for the repair of automotive equipment is noted. The redundancy of the parameters of the production system allows the service enterprises of the agro-industrial complex in the period of external challenges not only to solve the problems of repairing automotive equipment that was damaged during its operation, but also to create conditions for the diversification of their own economic activities, which is essential for the formation of the production base of the agricultural economy and for the harmonious development of rural territories. The article formulates a number of recommendations to ensure the organizational and technological development of agricultural service enterprises. From the point of view of the state agrarian policy, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of a network of agricultural service enterprises as a basic element of ensuring strategic sustainability of rural development. The state of the quality assurance of the engineering and technological service, which is one of the key issues for the organization of equipment repair, is investigated.

Issue № 3, March 2023, article № 2

The article is devoted to improving the functioning of machine-technological stations in Russia under the conditions of sanctions pressure. It examines the experience of the USSR in leasing agricultural machinery and equipment to agricultural producers, as well as the development of forms of such leasing in modern Russia. The description of the currently being created sharing service for the rental of self-propelled agricultural machinery is given. The existing forms of inter-farm use of agricul

The article is devoted to improving the functioning of machine-technological stations in Russia under the conditions of sanctions pressure. It examines the experience of the USSR in leasing agricultural machinery and equipment to agricultural producers, as well as the development of forms of such leasing in modern Russia. The description of the currently being created sharing service for the rental of self-propelled agricultural machinery is given. The existing forms of inter-farm use of agricultural machinery and equipment in the USA, Austria and Germany are described in detail. The characteristic of the system responsible for the supply of modern domestic agricultural machinery and spare parts for it to agricultural producers and organizations engaged in their lease is given. As a result of the analysis and expert evaluation of the existing types of agricultural machinery and equipment arena, as well as the experience of renting them in foreign countries, the directions for improving this type of support for agricultural mechanization have been identified.

Issue № 3, March 2023, article № 4

Issue № 3, March 2023, article № 5


The issues of investment attractiveness of agricultural commodity producers in the conditions of sanctions pressure and geostrategic instability are gaining importance for the inflow of long-term capital in order to ensure the policy of modernization of production on an innovative basis. Under the current conditions, agricultural producers have significantly reduced their investment activity, especially by reducing capital investments in innovative technologies in 2022. At the same time, studies have shown that the observed lag in the growth rate of investments due to attracted sources during the first half of 2022 is primarily due to a decrease in the rate of loans to agricultural producers by banks, due to some difficulties that have arisen due to the consequences of economic sanctions of Western countries. In subsequent periods of sanctions, despite the expansion of sanctions, lending to agriculture by banks decreased by only 15.1% compared to the previous period. The analysis of investment processes revealed that the largest reduction in investments in fixed assets in the agricultural sector due to bank loans in the period under review was observed in the farms of the Southern and North Caucasus Federal Districts, which indicates, in our opinion, a low assessment by banks of the likelihood of repayment of borrowed funds in the current realities of sanctions pressure on Russia. In the course of the research, the author's understanding of investment attractiveness was formulated, taking into account the prospects for the transition to the so-called "green economy" and the attraction by agricultural producers of various forms of management and organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship of long-term capital through the issuance and placement on the market of "green bonds".

Issue № 3, March 2023, article № 9


Currently, ensuring technological sovereignty in the agricultural sector of the country's economy is a key problem of its effective functioning. The high dependence of the domestic agro-industrial complex on innovative technologies of foreign manufacturers, as well as the means of mechanization necessary for agricultural production, plant protection of seeds, breeding and planting material was noted. The necessity of implementing special measures of state support for the national agrarian economy in order to reduce dependence (or complete rejection) of the import of means of production is substantiated. It is established that in modern geopolitical conditions, one of the most important ways is to develop strategic directions for innovative development of the agricultural sector of the country with the definition of a promising conceptual effect from its improvement, directly in the real sector of the economy. It is shown that agricultural science is currently underfunded: the ratio of domestic research costs in agriculture to the gross value added created in the industry is almost 1.5 times lower than the same indicator for science as a whole. At the same time, more than 60% of the internal costs of research and development in the field of agricultural sciences are the costs of basic research. From 2015 to 2021. there was a significant reduction in varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops (by 18.5%), new and improved agricultural production technologies - by 37 percent. In a situation of high uncertainty, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia has proposed a number of operational measures to provide the domestic market with seeds of agricultural crops, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products. Organizational and economic solutions are proposed in the field of technological equipment renewal based on localization of production of critical components and components in the country, diversification of machine imports taking into account geographical and natural conditions, transfer of the agrarian economy to the full innovation cycle mode, formation of unified methodological approaches to the implementation of agricultural policy measures in at least three time horizons: until 2025, until 2030 and until 2035.