
Issue № 4, April 2023, article № 11

Trends and promising areas of growth of vegetable production in Russia

The article analyzes the production of vegetable products in Russia, examines the potential for effective development of the industry and presents promising directions for its implementation. The authors have identified the peculiarities of vegetable growing that influence the formation of the potential for the development of the industry: a high level of the value of the final product for the population of the country, a large range of products with different technological characteristics, attractiveness for small forms of management and others. The assessment of the level of production of vegetable products by categories of agricultural producers, its import, selfsufficiency is given. Da-ta on the dynamics of the sown areas of open ground and the thermal complex of the country, yield, distribution of production by region are presented. The main production of open-ground vegetables is concentrated in the Southern Federal District -51.5% of the total collection in the country. More than 50% of the production of indoor vegetables falls on 10 regions of the country. As priority directions for realizing the potential of vegetable growing, the authors identified measures to: increase the acreage under vegetable crops, including through the construction of new modern greenhouse complexes, modernization of working greenhouses, their rational distribution across the country; wider use of productive varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops, including domestic breeding; development of processing, storage, packaging and marketing of vegetables and vegetable products; involvement in commodity production of producers of all organizational and legal forms (agricultural organizations, peasant (farmer) farms, households of the population), servicing and processing enterprises by strengthening their interaction, including on a cooperative basis. At the present stage, it is important to carry out scientific support for the development of vegetable growing in Russia in a comprehensive manner at all stages of the agrofood chain: from breeding, seed production to marketing and consumption.

Issue № 4, April 2023, article № 19

Issue № 4, April 2023, article № 20


Currently, in many countries, especially economically developed ones, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, including through a balanced diet, is an integral part of public policy. First of all, this is due to concerns about the growth of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and problems with the cardiovascular system among the population. In order to solve this issue, in particular, food products (functional food products - FPP) with specified properties are being developed and produced by adding various biologically active compounds. The production of FPP is steadily growing on a global scale. In 2022, the volume of the global FPP market amounted to more than 300 billion US dollars in monetary terms. Among the countries with a fairly large market for these products are the USA and Japan, which are leaders in this field, as well as the Republic of Korea, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. In economically developed countries, much attention is paid to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and nutri-tion, the state, as a rule, supports the development, production and promotion of FPP to the market. In Russia, not enough attention has been paid to the issues of healthy nutrition, although in recent years work in this direction has been increasingly active. The country adopted the "Strategy for improving the quality of food products in the Russian Federation until 2030", in accordance with which the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the "Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases for the period up to 2025. The popularity and demand for FPP among the population is gradually growing, which stimulates the development of this segment of the food market.