
Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 11


The Russian Federation is one of the ten largest pork producers in the world, while production volumes are constantly increasing, which allows maintaining minimum margins and makes this product the most popular among the population. At the same time, pig-breeding enterprises, as a rule, integrated with meat processing complexes, are forced to continuously search and develop new markets for their products. One of the most promising areas can be fully attributed to the production of sous vide products, which are in demand both among large customers working in the HoReCa segment and among ordinary consumers. In particular, within the framework of this work, the economic and technological aspects of the functioning of the sous vide food production shop on the basis of the Coral meat processing complex of the Tver Region were highlighted. The possibility of effective operation of the workshop with a level of profitability of production of 32.2% with the volume of output per shift (duration of 8 hours) equal to 3200 kg has been established. At the same time, there are significant opportunities both for adjusting the range of manufactured products and for increasing their output multiple times. In the future, as part of the development of this workshop, it is also planned to introduce a production site for ready-made second courses that require minimal culinary processing and are extremely in demand among catering enterprises.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 14


Gardening is an important branch of agriculture, because the products produced here – fruits and berries – are a source of vitamins and many other nutrients that are useful and necessary for people's life and health. The purpose of the study was to assess the trends in the development of horticulture in Russia, to identify promising areas for the growth of its effectiveness. In the process of work, various general scientific methods were used: analytical, economic-statistical, mono-graphic and others. The study showed that the recommended annual medical needs of a Russian person in fruits and berries are met only by 80%, and at the expense of domestic production - only by 45 percent. These circumstances contributed to the development of directions of state support for increasing the area of planting gardens in Russia. As a result, the increase in the production of fruits and berries for 2018-2021 amounted to 19.5%. However, this increase turned out to be uneven across the forms of management and the territory of the country. The largest share in the production of fruits and berries still falls on households (64.1% in 2021). More than 30% of horticulture production falls on the Southern Federal District. Changing the situation requires an assessment of existing problems along the entire chain of the fruit and berry subcomplex of Russia: the material and technical support of specialized machines and equipment of economic entities is insufficient and inefficient, the production of planting material does not cover the existing need for it for commodity producers, the laying of new gardens is carried out without taking into account the technological features of fruit and berry crops cultivation, the low level of storage, processing, commodity refinement of manufactured products, the infrastructure of the market. The solution of these problems in a short time is possible only with the participation of state authorities at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

Issue № 5, May 2023, article № 16


The publication discusses the main problems of managing the development of rural infrastructure, which is the basis for ensuring the reproduction of human capital in agricultural production. The mechanisms of development of the infrastructure complex of the village differ from the life support systems located in cities, since they are not focused on meeting the large-scale demand for the services provided and do not have significant investment attractiveness. The growth of agricultural production does not lead to high rates of rural infrastructure development - this is confirmed by the statistical analysis done. The state is implementing a set of measures to support rural infrastructure development, but these measures need to be integrated with the efforts of industries located in rural areas. Currently, such integration is complicated by the lack of consideration in the agricultural production planning system of the role of social infrastructure for the reproduction of its labor potential and, moreover, human capital, which has a high level of knowledge and competencies, provoking the outflow of qualified personnel to other fields of activity. In order to use the potential of agricultural entrepreneurs in the processes of infrastructural growth, it is proposed to change approaches to planning production activities and take into account the conditions necessary for the reproduction of human capital as part of development plans. The description of the necessary conditions for the reproduction of human capital should become a criterion for the selection of development plans for the provision of state support. Entrepreneurs' understanding of the importance of modernization of rural infrastructure will make it possible to interest them in the development of territories and attract the resources available to them to solve the problems of infrastructure growth currently being implemented with the help of budget financing, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the activities carried out.