
Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 12


The article is devoted to the problems of increasing the volume of production of agricultural products and products of its processing, the development of exports, the reduction of import dependence in order to ensure the food security of the country. The study was conducted on the example of the grain market, in particular, wheat. The main trends in the development of the industry over the past 33 years have been identified: a significant increase in production, a significant decrease in the volume of industrial processing of grain, as well as a decline in domestic consumption, a twenty-fold increase in exports, in connection with this, a high profitability of grain sales, a significant level of self-sufficiency in grain. The main directions of wheat export are characterized with justification of the most promising of them. A negative trend in Russian grain exports is their focus on raw materials, when the vast majority of exports are grain. At the same time, a significant import dependence on products of deep grain processing was revealed: amino acids, inulins, gluten and others. Proposals have been formulated to increase the deep processing of grain. It is substantiated that the balanced development of agri-food markets and ensuring food security is possible on the basis of increasing the volume of agricultural production and its processing, including deep processing, expanding export supplies, and increasing real incomes of the population

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 14


In the context of geopolitical tensions, the application of international economic sanctions and discussions about their effectiveness and impact on food security are at the epicenter of international politics. The problem of assessing the degree of vulnerability of the economies of countries to which sanctions were previously applied and are currently in force, including in relation to Russia, has recently acquired particular relevance. The United States continues to actively use sanctions and trade embargoes in international relations and pressure on many countries, including socialist ones. China and Cuba are under the influence of US sanctions pressure, which has had an impact on ensuring the food security of these states. Mainly financial and trade sanctions were imposed on China by the United States, and a multi-year trade and economic embargo is applied against Cuba. In relation to Cuba as a "rogue state", the United States has been implementing a policy of strict international isolation for more than 60 years. Taking into account the varying degrees of sanctions pressure exerted on countries and the conditions for the development of the agricultural sector, China demonstrates successful counteraction to US sanctions pressure and steady growth in economic indicators, Cuba, on the contrary, applies measures to adapt to economic sanctions, the country's economy is extremely vulnerable to a tightening of the embargo. The article examines alternative measures and the results of countering sanctions in both countries, China's anti-sanctions measures have shown the greatest effectiveness. Currently, in the context of increasing sanctions pressure on Russia, the experience of Cuba as the country most affected by US sanctions and its measures to ensure food security in these conditions is of great interest

Issue № 7, July 2023, article № 18


The article reveals the features of rural employment that need to be taken into account when working on strategy for the development of the rural labor market. The authors have made a comparative analysis of the state and trends in the urban and rural labor markets for 2010-2022, defining a significant decrease in the level of employment both in the city and in the countryside due to a sharp deterioration in the situation with youth employment, especially in rural areas, and an increase in inter-settlement disproportions in the Russian labor market. Despite a certain trend on diversification the sectoral structure of employment of the rural population retains a single-industry character. An assessment of the dynamics of the ratio of supply and demand in the rural labor market indicating a positive trend, but still maintaining a large gap between the number of rural unemployed, recorded according to the ILO methodology, and the number of vacancies declared by employers in rural areas. Developing the strategy for diversifying the rural economy and creating jobs in alternative activities it is need to take into account the effect of two multi-vector factors that determine the need for the labor force of the agriculture: on the one hand, innovative processes in the industry, its technical and technological modernization, leading to a reduction in the need in living labor; on the other hand, restoration and extensive processes (involvement in the economic circulation of abandoned vacant lands, expansion of work to improve soil fertility, etc.), requiring the creation of new jobs. In conclusion, there were formulated measures to increase the productive employment of the rural population by stimulating the development of alternative activities, increasing the profitability of labor in rural areas, increasing state support for the youth sector of the rural labor market and other organizational and economic mechanisms