
Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 11


Disease outbreaks and global pandemics pose the greatest threat to humanity and the sustainability of global economic development. In 2019, the world faced a pandemic caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19). Given the extraordinary nature of the situation associated with the need to overcome the consequences of the pandemic, Governments have taken measures to support both the population and the economy of their countries as a whole. The main measures limiting the spread of the virus included social distancing, self-isolation of the population and travel restrictions. All these measures to combat the pandemic have had a significant impact on the main sectors of the economy, including the agricultural sector. Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy that ensures the country's food security. Social and economic constraints during the COVID-19 pandemic created disruptions in the food supply chain on the world market, leading to disruption in the production and distribution of agri-food products, exacerbating the shortage of labor and resources. As part of the implementation of measures to overcome the consequences of the pandemic, countries provided state support to producers of agri-food products, a number of countries imposed restrictions on food exports in order to support domestic producers. The article examines the effects of the COVID-19 virus on food systems, provides mechanisms of state support for producers of agri-food products during the coronavirus pandemic. The assessment of the state of the Russian agricultural sector in the conditions of a pandemic is given, the measures taken by the government to protect domestic agriculture in the conditions of COVID-19 are considered. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of state support of agriculture in different countries of the world. The crisis associated with overcoming the consequences of the pandemic proved the need for additional measures of state support for the agricultural sector, including through direct financing of producers of agricultural products

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 13


The article is devoted to identifying the essence of the concept of "quality of life of the population" and the methodology of its assessment for monitoring and rating international and domestic comparisons. A historical excursion into the genesis and evolution of the concept is conducted. Various conceptual approaches to its interpretation, measurement methodology and empirical research in international and domestic practice are summarized and analyzed. It is concluded that the existing concepts of the quality of life construct are a conglomerate of essential features of the category with their determining factors and socio-demographic consequences. Therefore, the amorphous concept of "quality of life of the population" needs to be transformed into a socio-economic category, clearly limited by a list of adequate areas, assessment components and groups of indicators characterizing them. The author's interpretation of the quality of life of the population as a socio-economic category is given, the main directions and components of its characteristics at the first, second and third levels of disintegration are determined, which form a basic assessment system for use taking into account national accounting systems and other features in cross-country comparisons, regional and intraregional monitoring and ratings of the quality of life in individual countries. The factors and socio-demographic consequences of the quality of life are systematized, which include, in the first case, natural–geographical, economic, social, institutional and political factors, in the second - life expectancy, health status, education level, population indices, natural population growth (loss) and migration growth (loss) of the population

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 14


The article discusses the issues of formation and improvement of the economic mechanism for the development of the agrarian economy of the Republic of South Ossetia, taking into account the challenges and possible threats caused, among other things, by the growth of geopolitical instability in the world. Based on the analysis of the use of individual elements of the economic mechanism, it is concluded that they are insufficient to solve the problem of putting the republic's agriculture on a growth trajectory and solving the problem of food supply to the population of the region. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of the institute of financing and subsidizing part of the interest rates on loans and loans to agricultural producers of the Republic of South Ossetia. It is noted that the applied mechanism of subsidizing agricultural producers requires improvement in terms of constantly ensuring the inflow of the resource base to increase the possibility of stable functioning. A provision is put forward on the need for the formation and development of an economic mechanism for the development of the agricultural sector, the food and processing industry and increasing employment of the population of the republic on the basis of the concept of supply economy. It is proposed to use the system of tax regulation for the distribution and redistribution of funds accumulated in the budget of the Republic of South Ossetia for the needs of replenishing the institute of subsidizing part of interest rates to commodity producers of various forms of management. A potential source of replenishment of the institute of subsidies may be funds from taxes on goods imported into the territory of the republic, both non-food and food, including those coming from Russia. It is noted that it is important to regulate the application of customs tariffs on imported goods in order to change the balance between imported food and products that can be produced on the territory of the region itself, based on scientifically sound agricultural development programs, including optimal production placement

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 15


Analysis of the development of households and other small enterprises of the agricultural sector, their place in the food supply system. Trends in the development of households of the population are investigated. The reserves of increasing the production of agricultural products are revealed through the cooperation of small forms in the field of procurement with consumer cooperation. The potential for production growth is identified, and directions for improving the efficiency of households are proposed. Measures to activate the work of small agricultural business are proposed. The directions of implementation of progressive projects in agriculture are recommended. It is proposed to activate the entrepreneurship of family farms, to increase the role of households in increasing food production. It is recommended to expand the assistance of households in rural areas to increase their competitiveness. The relevance and significance of the potential of cooperation of households of the population is substantiated. The role of consumer cooperation in the formation of food resources, its role in the development of households of the population is revealed. The role of consumer cooperation in the procurement of agricultural products in the households of the population and peasant farms is substantiated as an important vector of increasing competitiveness in the food market, improving the life of the rural population. The purpose of the work is to identify the role and place of personal subsidiary farms and consumer cooperation in the food supply system. To determine the prospects and potential for the development of households of the population. To identify reserves for increasing production with the help of consumer cooperation and small agricultural business. Materials and methods of research. The methods of expert assessments, comparative, economic analysis, deduction, statistical data, scientific reports, and the works of scientists on this problem were used. The result of the work. In the process of studying the development of the agricultural sector of the Republic of Tatarstan, households of the population under sanctions, the features and reserves of increasing agricultural production to ensure food security have been identified and disclosed. The directions of increasing the efficiency of resource formation in the food security system are proposed.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 16


According to the adviser to the Minister of Agriculture, Yuri Kosovan, the consequence of the «grain deal» concluded on July 22, 2022 in Istanbul between the Governments of the Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine and the UN was to increase the role of Russia among the key suppliers of agricultural products to the countries of the European Union, Africa and Latin America [1]. The implementation of the transaction on the terms indicated by domestic economists and representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade should contribute to an increase in the revenue side of the budget of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Russia was able to increase exports of cereals and legumes by 11.6% in July – December 2022 [2]. The resumption of fulfillment of obligations under the terms of execution of the transaction by Russia on 02.11.2023 is due to guarantees, the implementation of which implies an increase in exports of domestic grain and fertilizers. After Russia withdrew from the deal on July 17, 2023, its role as a potential supplier of grain, according to American analysts, increased due to the possibility of rising food prices [3]. In the current situation, the requirements imposed on the quality of domestic grain by experts of the international community may be increased, primarily due to its shortage against the background of the food crisis that has matured over the past decades [3]. In turn, in order to ensure and improve the specified quality of grain sold in agriculture, it is necessary to use appropriate technologies. As the results of the analysis carried out by specialists in the subject area [4-8] show, the most effective in terms of compliance with grain quality requirements and the need to intensify its production is the technology of ultra-high-frequency seed treatment, the use of which allows to inhibit germination and ensure the greatest length of sprouts after germination. In turn, the implementation of the above technology involves the use of various technical means, the use of each of which involves obtaining different results. Consequently, the determination of the best of the above technical means and its application after the organization of public procurement can first contribute to improving the quality of grain produced by a domestic supplier, and then increase the revenues of the domestic budget. Unfortunately, the methodological support [9-11] and modern theoretical studies devoted to the selection of technical means from the studied set do not contain such mathematical apparatus and recommendations, the use of which would make it possible to make an unambiguous technical and economic assessment of the effectiveness of the purchase of one technical means relative to another. At the same time, the needs of the state customer, which are formulated in the state task in the form of values of specific quantitative indicators of the results of grain production, may not be fully satisfied. The contradiction between the needs of the state customer and the capabilities of modern guidance documents, as well as the results of theoretical studies used to justify decisions on choosing the best technical means from among the potentially possible ones, indicates the relevance of the problematic issue of determining the method of choosing the best technical means for ultra-high-frequency seed treatment. The article argues the relevance of solving the problematic issue of creating methodological support designed to select the best means of ultra-high-frequency seed treatment, the use of which will allow purchasing the best technical means for seed treatment, as a result of which the efficiency of budget spending should increase, proposals for its clarification are justified and formulated.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 17


The production and sale of alcoholic beverages has an impact not only on the economic component of the country, but also affects social aspects. To determine the level of economic affordability of alcoholic beverages it is necessary to analyze the distribution of production of this type of products by districts, as well as to determine the degree of influence of the income level of the population on the consumption of products. For this purpose it is necessary to use the possibilities of correlation analysis. The distribution of alcoholic beverages production in Russia is uneven, with the largest number of enterprises (more than 65%) located in the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts, but production is concentrated in the Volga and Central Federal Districts Sales of alcoholic beverages are also quite uneven across the country, with the level of income of the population in one or another federal district affecting the volume of sales of a particular type of alcohol. However, if we consider the impact of average monthly wages on the level of alcohol sales per 1 liter of pure alcohol, the relationship between the indicators is moderate. The presented rating of the economic accessibility of alcoholic beverages identified the three federal districts Volga Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District and Central Federal District, which, in addition, have the highest coefficients of social accessibility and social efficiency. The analysis points to the need for a more detailed assessment of the availability and consumption of individual product groups in order to determine the impact on social aspects of the region's development.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 18


In the article, the authors propose to consider the state of issues of competitiveness of domestic agricultural machinery products and ways to improve it. The problem of the competitiveness of agricultural machinery products is very complex and includes a large set of tasks. First of all, competitiveness involves a comparative analysis of the parameters of the products of foreign competitors and our, domestic products, which allows you to correctly set the benchmarks and movement vectors for the production of domestic products that have competitive advantages over foreign counterparts. The level of "lag" behind analogues should ultimately determine the level of costs required to eliminate this gap. Naturally, the greater the backlog, the more efforts and means are needed to overcome it. Without this kind of information, it is impossible to correctly solve the problem of increasing the competitiveness of agricultural engineering. An important point for the correct choice of the direction of development of domestic engineering in market conditions and the formation of the main prerequisites for a strategy to increase competitiveness is an objective analysis of the reasons for its loss by Russian enterprises. In technically developed countries, a proprietary product life support system is used, which assumes that all costs at the production and post-production stages are compensated by the consumer. This provides enterprises with a constant level of improvement in their actual capabilities.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 20