

The article discusses the features of the development of exports of technologies for the production of agricultural products from the point of view of the development of the global agri-food market. It is noted that the increasing role of agricultural exports occurs against the backdrop of a large-scale global transformation of all the main elements of the international agricultural market. This transformation is associated both with a shift in the centers of consumption of agricultural products, and with significant changes in the characteristics of the production and delivery of food in modern economic and geopolitical conditions. As interdisciplinary studies show, the solution to the problem of hunger in developing countries and the uninterrupted and unhindered provision of the consumer with agricultural products is impossible only by increasing the productivity and intensifying the production of currently existing production systems. It is necessary to develop new agricultural territories and implement innovative production solutions on an interstate basis. In the article, based on the generalization of the existing theoretical, methodological, law enforcement and practical material, the definition of the concept of "export of agricultural production technologies" is clarified, and the essential basic features and main manifestations of the essence and content of this category are identified, in relation to the conditions of transformation of the international agricultural market and promising areas of development. socio-territorial and production systems in the agro-industrial complex. In the article, using the example of production and economic activity in the agro-industrial complex, the directions for the development of exports of technologies for the production of agricultural products are analyzed and formulated from the point of view of consumer needs in emerging markets. The paper outlines the most significant aspects of the implementation of the export potential of agricultural production in terms of the competitive advantages of the domestic agro-industrial complex, agricultural science and agricultural education. It was noted that the development of export of technological solutions to provide the international market with agricultural products will contribute to the development and growth of domestic production, innovation, scientific, technical and educational potential in the agro-industrial complex. In addition, entering new agricultural markets will ensure the strategic sustainability of domestic agricultural producers, as well as the scientific and educational complex in the agro-industrial complex in Russia. It is extremely important that, namely, the realization of the export potential not only contributes to economic growth in all sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex, but also partially solves the problem of Western sanctions pressure on the national economy of Russia. The article also formulated a number of recommendations to ensure the progressive development of technology exports for the production of agricultural products. In particular, it is concluded that, from the point of view of the state agricultural policy, it is necessary to pay special attention to supporting innovative solutions that contribute to the intensification of agriculture, both in Russia and in emerging markets. The article substantiates the need to support the export of agricultural production technologies to the countries of the Global South at the state level as the basis of not only international economic relations, but a basic element of global strategic stability to reduce current global economic and political tensions.


The work is devoted to the problems of technical and technological support of the water reclamation complex in agriculture in Russia. The analysis of the state and development of agriculture in the context of the federal districts of Russia is based on the calculation of indicators of the weighted average structure of agricultural production, the annual index of agricultural production, agricultural production per capita, as well as the share of agricultural production in the gross regional product. The spheres and directions of water use technologies, technological techniques and production in agriculture and fisheries are graphically presented. The list of machinery and equipment for land reclamation and water consumption in agriculture has been determined. The results of the analysis of the availability and condition of machinery and equipment for land reclamation and water consumption in agriculture in Russia are presented. The number of lands occupied in the water use system is revealed, as well as an assessment of the level of necessity for the use of reclamation systems, techniques and equipment in agricultural production is given based on the assessment of the water content level in the federal districts of Russia, the distribution of results and subsidies for the implementation of the federal project «Involvement in the turnover and integrated reclamation of agricultural lands» is revealed. The calculation of planned values in additional equipment for land reclamation and water use in agriculture in Russia is presented.


Currently, there is no system of timely and publicly available assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the national project "Healthcare" at both the national and regional levels. In this regard, it is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of the national project using a methodology based on an integral efficiency indicator developed by experts of the Higher School of Health Management to assess the health of the region. The performance indicators of the regional healthcare system and their weights are considered. The analysis of the population of the Altai Territory for 2018-2020 is made, its decline is noted, which is due to the natural decline of the population and migration processes outside the territory. The average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees in healthcare organizations, the expenses of the consolidated budget for healthcare per 1 person are shown. The volume of investments in fixed assets for the development of the healthcare system per 1 person in the Altai Territory lags behind the same indicator in the average Russian value. The results of the implementation of the national project "Healthcare" and regional projects in the Altai Territory are evaluated. The calculation of the integral indicator of the effectiveness of the healthcare system of the Altai Territory over the past two years has been carried out, according to the results, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of the healthcare system in the Altai Territory has decreased. To improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the national health project, it is recommended to create a timely monitoring system for the implementation of the national project.


The article presents the annual ranking of the largest owners of agricultural land in Russia as of the beginning of 2023, compiled by BEFL together with the FSBSI FRC AESDRA VNIIESH. The analysis of the data was carried out solely for the purpose of determining the main owners of agricultural land in Russia and the approximate size of their agricultural land. As we use the term «under control» in this article means the possession of agricultural land by ownership, lease or other established legal right. We do not rule out that there are other participants in the agricultural land market that own land banks comparable to those indicated in this article, but not included in the presented rating. To analyze this market segment, we used public information disclosed by the landowners themselves and their representatives, shareholders, beneficiaries, and the opinions of participants in the agricultural land market. Despite the decrease in profitability in crop production in 2022 the demand for land assets of agricultural organizations in the market increased. Given the general trend of currency volatility and their inflationary processes in the world economy are intensifying, agriculture continued to be an attractive sector of the economy for investment in the face of limited more reliable alternative capital investments. By the end of 2022 – beginning of 2023, arable land prices increased both in the central region and in the southern regions of Russia.

Issue № 9, September 2023, article № 10


The article highlights the impact of international economic sanctions on the economy in general and the agricultural sector of North Korea in particular, and assesses ways to adapt the country to the prevailing conditions. The following were noted as the most negative consequences of the sanctions: a sharp reduction in agricultural production due to lack of energy and means of production; lack of necessary medical care due to current bans on the import of equipment; a significant reduction in the volume of food supplies under international humanitarian assistance programs; a decrease in household incomes by an average of 25%; a reduction in exports by more than 90%, which significantly limited the possibility of importing raw materials, spare parts and materials due to a decrease in the inflow of foreign currency; a drop in domestic investment in production due to the ban on the supply of industrial equipment, which exacerbated the problem of modernization of fixed assets. In these conditions, it is necessary to take the following measures for the development of agriculture: the growth of financial support for agricultural producers, the strengthening of the material and technical base, the development of irrigation, the supply of fertilizers, the renewal of the fleet of agricultural machines, the expansion of the area of crops under crops, the increase in grain yields, the achievement of the grain harvest indicator at the level of at least 7 million tons for the purpose of self-sufficiency. The adaptive properties of North Korea to economic sanctions are manifested in the development of the shadow economy with the help of various intermediaries, which allows for trade and economic cooperation