
Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 14


The article is devoted to the analysis of the ongoing climate warming, its causes and opportunities to mitigate these changes through the digitalization of agri-food systems. In this paper, based on an analysis of the recently created legislative and regulatory framework governing greenhouse gas emissions, strategic planning documents that determine ways to reduce these emissions, and statistical data contained in the National Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions, the expediency of using agro-expert systems in solving the problem of designing agri-food systems is substantiated. with a low carbon footprint. A general description of agro-expert systems is given and a modification of these systems is proposed, which allows estimating greenhouse gas emissions. Various new directions for the use of agro-expert systems have been proposed: the development of agricultural technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions; analysis of the carbon efficiency of existing agricultural enterprises and development of recommendations for its improvement; application of agro-expert systems in the design of efficient and sustainable agri-food systems. The technical result is a project of an effective digital technology for optimal crop management based on a unified methodology of dynamic agro-expert systems with an assessment of emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases for all crops, using a unified software and methodology for conducting computer experiments.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 15


The article deals with theoretical, methodological, scientific and practical issues of assessing the balance of resource potential in relation to agricultural production. The analysis of the current state and dynamics of the resource potential of agricultural production showed the presence of imbalances associated with different levels of provision and use of basic resources. The quantitative reduction in certain types of resources was offset by an increase in their qualitative characteristics associated with the introduction of innovations, which contributes to an increase in the efficiency of the entire resource potential. The reasons that contributed to the formation of a disproportion in the resource potential of agricultural production were identified: different dynamics of the sectoral and production structures of the agro-industrial complex, a decrease in the absolute and relative indicators of the use of individual elements of the resource potential, non-compliance with the norms of resource use. On the example of land and material and technical resources, an assessment was made of the balance of the resource potential of agricultural production. As a methodological basis for calculating the balance of the resource potential, it is proposed to use the normative method. The standards for material and technical security were adjusted taking into account the dynamics of the influence of scientific and technological progress on the qualitative characteristics of the machines used, which made it possible to develop dynamic standards for the necessary availability of equipment per unit of land area. It is shown that for tractors and combine harvesters in 2015-2022 there is a stabilization of the specific values of their availability and an improvement in technical characteristics, which leads to a reduction in the gap between the actual and standard level of provision of agricultural production with the main types of equipment. Perspective changes in the resource proportions of agricultural production are presented, related to the innovative development of agricultural production, ensuring compliance between the resource potential and production needs to meet domestic and export demand for agricultural products, sustainability and environmental friendliness of agricultural production.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 17


The article is devoted to the intensification of horticulture in Russia with the use of new mineral and organic fertilizers for root and non-root fertilizing. The paper examines the state of the horticulture sub-sector at the current time in Russia and developed countries of the world. The main problems of the development of the fruit and vegetable subcomplex of the Russian agro-industrial complex, the issues of increasing Russia's self-sufficiency in fruits and berries under the conditions of sanctions pressure are highlighted. A solution to the problem of turning modern horticulture into a high-tech industrial sub-sector of the agro-industrial complex, feasible only with the use of the latest scientific achievements, including agrochemistry, is proposed. The research conducted at the Pryanishnikov Institute Agrochemistry together with the FSBEI HE Vavilov University showed that the introduction of phosphogypsum contributes to the strengthening of growth processes, and, in particular, the laying of fruit formations. In order to carry out fundamental research in this area, the Central Information Scientific and Analytical Association (CISAA) laboratory was recreated and started functioning on the basis of the Pryanishnikov Institute Agrochemistry, from 2022. included in the register of accredited persons. Currently, CISAA provides services of agrochemical, chemical and physico-chemical types of analysis and developing methods of analysis of soils, plants and microbiota.