

An assessment is made of the current state of spatial development of grain farming, placement, specialization and concentration of production of certain types of grain in the country. Groups of grain-producing regions have been identified for all main types of grain production according to their coefficients of specialization with low and high indicators, and has been shown the real possibility of forming and developing specialized high-tech zones for individual groups of regions and cultivated grain crops in the country. It has been proven that their formation and development is a natural and objective process inherent in commodity production, which intensifies with the development of productive forces and market relations, while simultaneously occurring under the influence and interaction of a complex and multidirectional combination of many different factors of the spatial development of grain farming, including first of all, it should be noted the maximum compliance of natural conditions with the biological requirements and characteristics of the cultivation of each grain crop, the fullest use of local capabilities and production resources. The basis for identifying a specialized high-tech zone is the materials of agroclimatic zoning and modern, taking into account the use of scientific and technological progress, bioclimatic requirements of a grain crop for the agrotechnical conditions of its cultivation, and the main criteria are the totality and favorableness of the necessary natural conditions of the territory, its economic and production resources. To determine the priority directions for the spatial development of the country's grain industry and the role of its individual regions in the system of territorial-sectoral division of labor, a methodological approach can be used to substantiate its spatial organization, which is based on the improvement of existing ones, the formation and development of new specialized high-tech zones for the production of certain types of grain, taking into account prevailing economic, agro-economic and soil-climatic conditions.


The article is devoted to theoretical and practical issues of ensuring food security, which is one of the main directions of ensuring the country’s national security, the basis for preserving its sovereignty, and the most important component of the state’s socio-economic policy. The author reveals the basic principles of ensuring food security in Russia in the context of modern challenges and threats. The scientific approaches of various authors to the economic categories «mechanism» and «economic mechanism» have been studied. The author's interpretation of the category «economic mechanism for ensuring food security» is given. An analysis of the current instruments for ensuring the country's food independence, as well as the economic and physical accessibility of food, was carried out. Currently, the main mechanisms are state support for the production and processing of agricultural products (in the form of subsidies), stimulation of investment activity, regulation of the market for agricultural products and food, administered by the Ministry of Agriculture within the framework of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Markets for Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food. The article identifies the main problems of forming an economic mechanism to ensure the country's food security. The need to adapt existing instruments taking into account global challenges and threats is substantiated, and recommendations are given for improving mechanisms for ensuring food security.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the issues of macroeconomic management of the placement and specialization of certain sub-sectors of agriculture of the border geostrategic Central macro-region of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation in the context of the development of a common agro-food market in the integration process with the Republic of Belarus. The analysis of the state of cooperation between the subjects of the Russian-Belarusian border shows that both of them do not sufficiently use logistical proximity for more effective management of specialization and concentration of agricultural production, since the indicators characterizing it are not higher than the average country parameters. One of the essential features of the functioning of the Belarusian-Russian agricultural borderland is the radiation pollution of the territories of the subjects under consideration, which leaves its imprint on the system of agriculture and farming, requiring close macroeconomic management intervention, insufficient at present. To change this situation, it is recommended to create a single management body for the contaminated territories of the Union state, with the formation of a kind of decontamination agrarian economy here. Different results of agrarian reform in the Russian Federation and the BR, including in the border territories, indicate that in Belarus, so-called "points of outstripping growth" are being identified, the basis of which is a socio-economic mechanism of an integration nature, when the agricultural production of goods of a number of industries has reached an export-oriented level here, with the export of this products to all continents of the world. Such a scientific macroeconomic approach of Belarusians is a visual algorithm for improving managerial relations.

Issue № 10, October 2023, article № 10


Based on the analysis, the article reveals a significant dependence of the consumption of fruits and berries in the Russia on import supplies. Significant increase in production for 2011-2021 contributed to a slight decrease in import volumes. However, it is noted that domestic production volumes of fruit and berry products still do not cover the actual and rational consumption of the population. During the research process, a structure of fruit producers in the Russia was compiled, the main producers were identified, and their contribution to all-Russian production was indicated. The structure of production of fruits and berries by their types (pome fruits, stone fruits, berries, grapes) is considered, and their main producers are identified. The analysis identified leading manufacturers in the Central Federal District. The study established an increase in fruit consumption in the Russia for the period 2011-2021. At the same time, there is a significant differentiation in the consumption of fruit and berry products across the regions of the Central Federal District. Calculations have established an insufficient level of self-sufficiency in fruits throughout the country in comparison with the established criterion in the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russia, a low degree of saturation, a high share of imports in the product supply, a negative import-export balance. All this justifies the need to find ways to improve the performance of the fruit and berry market.