
Issue № 6, June 2018, article № 5

Organic agriculture: challenges and prospects

The production of organic farming products remains one of the most important directions of agrarian poli-cy, which must be solved by the world community, because, despite the development of innovative technologies, socio-economic transformations and structural changes in agribusiness, which contribute to the growth of production ofagricultural products, raw materials and food, the UN experts believe, the increasing of incomes and welfare of thepopulation will stimulate the demand for organic food. The purpose of the study is to determine the complex ofmeasures for the development of organic agriculture based on the study of indicators characterizing the modern de-velopment of agriculture, analysis of the current situation in the markets of agricultural products, raw materials andfoodstuffs in various countries of the world, and assessing the existing issues. In addition to methods of induction anddeduction, the authors used methods of comparative analysis, abstract-logical, monographic. As a result of the study,the authors concluded that the production of organic farming products has a synergistic effect and potential, material-izes the principles of ecology, health, justice, care and contributes to the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex. For the development of organic agriculture, a number of measures are needed at both nationaland international levels. Primary are the identification of the advantages of the existing systems for the production oforganic farming products, the definition of a clear policy of sustainable development and the place of organic prod-ucts in traditional agriculture, and the support to agricultural organizations of all forms of ownership that are trans-formed into organic farming.

Issue № 6, June 2018, article № 9

Definition of priority directions of innovative development of animal husbandry in Stavropol Krai

To date, Russia's agrarian policy is aimed at developing and effectively using the innovative potential, with-out which it is impossible to accelerate the growth rates of agricultural production and increase its competitiveness.Predicting market trends and justifying the methodology offorecasting is extremely important for the livestock sector,which has been in a severe financial crisis in recent years, the consequences of which will continue to affect over along period. Therefore, the formation of an effective competitive livestock sector is a strategic direction of the coun-try's agricultural policy. The main problems of the livestock sector are: a backward material and technical base, theuse of obsolete technologies and high production costs. The current situation in the development of animal husbandryrequires a wide use of effective and efficient means of solving the accumulated problems for a qualitative transfor-mation of the industry. Growth in the livestock efficiency in the country is possible in the case of a broad developmentof innovative activities located in the regions of Russia. Stabilization of the livestock sector is impossible without sci-entific support, improving the material and technical base and active investment support from the state. To solve theabove tasks, the construction and justification of the forecast scenarios for the development of the market for livestockproducts is relevant which determined the choice of the research topic.

Issue № 6, June 2018, article № 14

The organization of marketing activities in skills development for the sustainable development of rural territories

In the article the role of marketing as an instrument of management of educational institution in the condi-tions of transformation of the Russian system of additional professional education and increase in the competition inthe education market is noted; the results of the research offorms of the organization of marketing activity in institu-tions of additional professional education of an agrarian profile are presented. On the basis of the conducted ques-tionnaires it is revealed that despite the importance of marketing and its relevance for the system of domestic educa-tion, in most institutions of additional professional education of an agrarian profile, unfortunately, there are rarelyeffective marketing services that systematically study the needs and requests of various social and professional groupsfor certain types of educational services. On the basis of the conducted researches it is established that the main issuesof this sphere include backwardness and low efficiency of communications of additional professional education ser-vices with business structures of innovative agrarian economy; low efficiency of marketing interaction of educationalinstitutions of the additional professional education system with the market of a manpower; fragmentariness of mar-keting activity, lack of strategy and plans of marketing. As a conclusion it is defined that successful functioning andfurther effective development of additional professional education system in the conditions of market economy is im-possible without the use of marketing.