In the article the basic methodological approaches to innovative development with separation of distinctivefeatures of innovative development of an agrarian sector of economy are revealed. Approaches to determination of theentity of innovative development are evidence-based. International experience of innovative development, with theselection of three models: Euro-Atlantic, East-Asian and alternative, is considered. Authoring approach to formationof the model of innovative development of agrarian and industrial complex of Russia in the conditions of EEU is su g-gested.
The article is a continuation of the previous study of the author based on the development of conceptual pro-visions of the theoretical platform for the study of the formation of decent profitability of agricultural labor. Its pur-pose is to justify the areas in which this process takes place. It is carried out as realization of the formulated conceptof these spheres by generalization of extensive literary sources and the analysis of the empirics characterizing eco-nomic development of agriculture and the social and labor relations functioning in it. The challenges facing by theindustry were also taken into account. As a result, it is reasonable that the most important areas of the formation ofdecent labor profitability should include the reproduction of the labor force, the stimulation of labor and the fairnessof its payment.
The article considers the potential of interaction mechanisms between the government and business within aframe of the institution of public-private partnerships under the realization of programmes and projects in the sphereof the food import substitution. The author of the article considers the absence of cheap homegrown seed material asone of the main problems. The mechanism of the public-private interaction in the organization of seed productionwithin a frame of the food import substitution politics is offered.
The article considers the analysis of the latest trends in the development of the agricultural sector of theRepublic of Armenia and contains the assessment of the influence that the agricultural policy have had on the agricul-ture of the Republic of Armenia. Special attention in respect of trade agreements with the EAEU is given to the chang-es in trade and agricultural policy of the Republic of Armenia, the subsidiaries granted to agriculture at the nationallevel are also considered. It is noted that the cooperation plays an important role in fulfilling a number of the stateprograms aimed at establishing and supporting of cooperative agricultural unions and at the development of the agri-cultural sector in the Republic of Armenia. The paper contains the outline of the means of enhancing the volume ofprocessed and marketed agricultural products, decreasing in import dependence and increasing of export.
He relevance of this study is confirmed by the fact that in modern farming conditions, improving the qualityof wheat grain harvests is an important task for agricultural producers and the state, and it is one of the ways to in-crease the efficiency and competitiveness of the grain economy. The purpose of the work is to show the productionvolumes and the results of the quality inspection of wheat grain for a number of years in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakh-stan - the leading countries of the post-Soviet space on gross grain harvest and export of this valuable crop, and alsoto generalize proposals for improving the quality of wheat grain offuture crops, including through the improvementof the organizational and economic mechanism and other measures. The rational location of wheat crops, taking intoaccount natural conditions and the possibility of increasing investment, will allow more efficient growth of high quali-ty grain production. The article reflects the standard requirements for a number of grain quality indicators that char-acterize its consumer and baking advantages, with the growth of which competitiveness, the purchase price of grainand the income of its producers increase. The main reasons for the observed decrease in the grain quality indicatorsin these countries are associated with organizational, economic, natural and other factors. In presenting the results ofthe study, the economic and statistical analysis of the set of quality indicators of the surveyed wheat grain yields inRussia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan during the period 2010 -2017 is used.
Finland is a classic example of successful agricultural cooperation. At the same time, Finland has manycommon traits with Russia regarding its nature and historical roots. The secret of Finnish success is based on thecomplex approach to development of cooperation, and also to development of farm sector and rural communities ingeneral. The economic paradigm, which prevails in Finland, assumes that the government must maintain good eco-nomic environment and high living standards for farmers, so farmers can form strong associations like agriculturalcooperatives.
The transition to sustainable economic growth is possible if a full - fledged national innovation system iscreated, all the components of which - science, innovation and production - are interconnected and coordinated witheach other. The article analyzes the current state and prospects of the innovative development of agriculture in Ka-zakhstan, including legislative documents, which reflect the goals, objectives and main activities in this area, scientificand organizational structures and specific projects. For the successful implementation of plans for the transition ofagriculture to an innovative basis, it is necessary to interact with all parts of the process: science, education, produc-tion and agribusiness. The interest of all parties in the final result of the innovation in production is also important.
In the article the ways to improve the competitiveness of meat products in the region are considered. Theissues of development of the industry, pricing of meat products and the role of clusters in agriculture are raised. Thebasis of the stable functioning of any product market is its infrastructure, that is, a set of industries and services thatprovide communication between producers and consumers of products, as well as contributing to the rapid promotionof products, the preservation of its quantity and quality during these processes, the accumulation of necessary re-serves.
Features of the functioning of the productive potential of irrigated lands are considered. The main factorsaffecting the increase in land productivity for the sustainable functioning of irrigated agriculture in the region areinvestigated: economic, production intensity, labor supply, production organization and management, scientific andtechnological progress, conditions for the sale of products and logistics, and natural resources. All factors are con-sidered from the point of view of economic efficiency.
A graded level of development of business structures in agriculture is a precondition for the comparison ofsubjects of agrarian business, according to the level of development of agricultural production, which can be charac-terized not only by the physical volume of production, but also a set of other criteria such as the cost of fixed assets,labor costs for production etc. Therefore, for classification of subjects of agrarian business the methods of multidi-mensional comparisons were used.