
Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 13

The development of the municipal agroindustrial complex based on improving the state and economic management

This article analyzes the management system of agriculture at the municipal level, state, economic management and local (municipal) selfgovernment. The ongoing reorganization of management structures at these levels ledto a sharp de crease in the quality of management in the system of municipal agriculture. Therefore, the developmentof the Institute of management at the "grass-roots" municipal level is very important and without it. It is impossible tosuccessfully implement agrarian reform, in particular, to ensure political and economic protection of the freedom ofeconomic activity of agricultural organizations of various forms of ownership, respect for the rights of rural entrepre-neurs, tenants, co-owners and employees of organizations, as well as their effective functioning in the new economicconditions. The contradiction and ineffectiveness of the management of the agrarian sector of the economy by localself-government is largely due to the incompleteness of the legal regulation of the effective organization and activitiesof the municipal (district) agro-industrial complex. Directions of development of interaction of municipal agrarianand industrial complex on the basis of improvement of system of management of the state, economic management andlocal government with economic entities in the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex of municipality are defined.Measures are planned to improve the management system in the field of municipal agriculture and the interaction ofits subjects in the organizational and economic directions. A set of measures to improve the efficiency of functioningand development of objects of agricultural relations in the sphere of agriculture at the municipal level is formulated

Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 15

Forecasting main indicators of livestock development on the basis of innovation in the stavropol region

He transformation of economic relations in Russia, structural changes in various sectors of the economyled to serious crisis processes in agriculture in general, and in the livestock sector in particular. The result of crisisprocesses in the livestock sector is a significant decrease in the number of livestock and a sharp decline in the outputof all types of livestock products. It should be noted that the living standard and well-being of the population largelydepend on the effective development of the livestock sector: the structure and size offood, the consumption of goodsand services, and the social conditions of life. That is why a profitable livestock sector and agriculture as a whole isthe basis for a stable economy of the country. This can explain the interest of the state to have a highly developed ag-riculture and livestock complex in particular. Analysis of the livestock sector and its evaluation in the modern marketeconomy poses new challenges to the creation of a system of statistical indicators, to the completeness and reliabilityof the information base, to the substantiation of methods and methods of research, the interpretation of the resultsobtained, the quality of the models constructed and the reliability of forecasts. In these conditions, forecasting thedynamics of livestock production is an actual task, which has both theoretical and practical interest, since it is im-portant for state authorities at various levels to have information about the current state of the industry and the pro-spects for its development. This is, above all, necessary to improve the efficiency of the livestock sector in both regionsand in the country.

Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 19

Features and directions of development of agricultural consumer cooperation in the lipetsk region

As practice shows, one of the important mechanisms of social and economic development of rural areas isthe formation of a system of agricultural cooperation. The analysis of changes in the number of agricultural consumercooperatives in the agro - industrial complex of Russia for the period 2010-2017 shows a high degree of unevennessof their distribution in the territories of the Russian Federation and Federal districts. The most successful regionsinclude the Lipetsk region, where a three-level system of management of cooperation development is formed on thebasis of the implementation of regional target programs and the functioning of cooperation development institutions.The article assesses the impact of the program "Development of cooperation and collective ownership in the Lipetskregion " on the performance of agricultural marketing, processing and credit consumer cooperatives, as well as thecontribution of cooperatives in the sale of products produced by small farms. The study developed recommendationsfor additional activities that contribute to the development of logistics cooperatives of the second level, the creation ofsocial and service cooperatives, the interaction of cooperatives with educational institutions on training. In general,the spread of the experience of the Lipetsk region should give another impetus to the development of cooperativemovement in rural areas of the Russian regions.

Issue № 7, July 2018, article № 1

Comparative multivariate assessment of poverty in urban and rural areas

Poverty in modern Russia is a priority socio-economic issue that needs in-depth study in the context of indi-vidual socio-demographic and socio-economic groups of society and the population living in different regions, in ur-ban and rural settlements. At the same time, along with the official assessment of the poverty level based on the com-parison of the average per capita monetary income of the household with the value of the subsistence minimum, de-fined as the poverty line, it is necessary to use other methodological approaches widely used in international practice:the relative method based on the assessment of the correspondence of income or expenditure of the population to theirmedian values in the country, the method of material deprivation, the Engel method, which determines the povertylevel by the share of household expenditure on food and the subjective method, which provides self-assessment by re-spondents of their financial situation. This will make it possible to increase the validity and effectiveness of manage-ment decisions taken by Federal, regional and local authorities in the field of employment, wages, pensions, supportfor families with children and other socially vulnerable segments of the population, investment, credit and tax policiesaimed at increasing the material wealth of Russian citizens and reducing the risk of slipping into poverty. The resultsof a multidimensional comparative analysis of the spread of poverty in urban and rural settlements, despite ambigu-ous estimates, indicate the localization of Russian poverty in rural areas, which requires the development of targetedpriority measures to address this problem in rural settlements.