
Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 3

Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 10

Prospects and tendencies of development of market of scientific-technical products of the agricultural sector in the member states of the eaeu

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that currently the agro-industrial complex of the EAEU memberStates is facing a systemic challenge, which necessitates the updating of the technical, technological and scientificinformation base of the agro-industrial complex on a qualitatively new innovative basis, which will solve the problemsof food security, healthy nutrition of the population and environmental management. Therefore, the aim of this workwas the study of the modern state of innovative development of the agrarian sector of the countries of the Union andits impact on the further construction and development of the common market of scientific and technical products ofagro-industrial complex of member States of the EAEU as an important economic mechanism to ensure the updating,development, commercialization and the use of the results of scientific and technological activities in agriculturalproduction. The main results of the study is the author's generalization of the views of leading domestic and foreignscientists on the development of the market of scientific and technical products. According to the results of the study:the author's definition of the market of scientific and technical products of agriculture; the causes of low innovativedevelopment of the agricultural sector; the current state of innovative development of the agricultural sector of theUnion; the legal documents (programs, strategies) adopted in the EAEU countries, characterizing the further innova-tive development of agriculture; the main directions of the organizational and economic mechanism for the creationand development of the market of scientific and technical products of agriculture, which will be common to all coun-tries of the Union, are formulated.

Issue № 8, August 2018, article № 11

Foreign experience of the use of funds for the digital economy by local government in the agricultural sector

Since the approval of the government program "Digital Economy of Russian Federation", which runs until2035, and the completion of the development in 2018 of industry sub-program ""Digital agriculture", the Ministry ofAgriculture of Russia and the governments of all hierarchical levels have a lot of work to create new managementsystems, whose goal is to move from management "in the fire brigade mode" to management on the basis ofplanningand forecasting risks, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the use of land resources [1]. However, thecurrent level of digitalization of domestic agricultural economy is a serious concern because of the lack of up-sufficiency of the number of IT professionals, the lack of scientific and practical knowledge on innovative agriculturaltechnologies and methodologies, the lack of global forecast on the prices of agricultural products on the world market, undeveloped logistics and other reasons. Only a small number of agricultural producers have the necessary fi-nancial resources to purchase new equipment, use IT technologies and platforms. According to Rosstat in 2017, in-vestments in IT technology in our country amounted to 0.85 billion rubles or 0.2‰ of the investment in all sectors ofRussia [15]. The relevance of the study offoreign experience used by local authorities at the municipal level and inthe farms is due to the possibility of adapting some of its elements to the Russian conditions that will facilitate expressimplementation of state and branch programs on the digital economy. The aim is to analyze the state of local self-management of the US agriculture, China, France, Germany and other countries and their approaches in the imple-mentation and use offunds of Digital economy in agricultural production. When presenting the results of the study,the following method was used: the economic and statistical analysis of the aggregate of the indicator of the availability and digitization of the management activities offoreign local authorities.