
Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 15

Factors and reserves of productivity growth in agriculture

The entry of the agricultural economy of Russia into the world economy has further actualized the problem of the need for a significant increase in productivity in the industry. A number of recent government decisions are aimed at its implementation. Scientific support is required for their implementation - from conceptual theoretical and methodological provisions to applied procedures of scientific and practical nature. Under conditions of solving this very large-scale and multifaceted problem, the purpose of this work is to study certain aspects of the problem, determined by changes in the agricultural structure and the basic elements of the workplace. It was achieved on the basis of abstract and logical understanding of conceptual provisions, the use of the index method of estimation of series of dynamics and construction of correlation and regression models in the analysis of factors of labor productivity. As a result, on the basis of the established influence of the agrarian structure, it is proposed to consider the changes taking place in it (the increasing contribution of agricultural organizations to the formation of the average level of labor productivity in the industry, farms approaching them in terms of the contribution and the declining role of households) among the important reserves for increasing the productivity of an institutional nature. However, as the main reserves of productivity growth should be considered reserves with a different nature, among which the key elements are the basic elements of the workplace. Their possible contribution to the solution of the problem is quantified. Of these elements of the workplace in the near future, the most important will be to increase the profitability of labor.

Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 17

State and institutional aspects of development of clusters in agriculture

Processes of a clustering of economy in modern conditions are a new format of structuring of its real sector. Clusters are formed in various spheres of economy, including in agro-industrial complex of the country in recent years. Agrarian clusters are large producers of the food. So, the volume of the shipped production participants of the Food cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan made 31,7 billion rubles, the Agro-industrial cluster of the Kemerovo area - 11,1 billion rubles, the Agro biotechnological cluster of the Omsk region - 8,3 billion rubles. Support of agrarian clusters by the state is carried out within the program of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Development of clusters needs to be considered as the most important element of a state policy. Now one of the major problems in processes of a clustering of economy is imperfection of the standard-right base creating barriers to creation and functioning of clusters. Within the solution of the given problem for improvement of state regulation of cluster activity it is offered to structure the standard-right acts, with allocation of levels of regulation and types of normative legal acts. Authors focus attention on importance of adoption of the federal law regulating processes of creation and functioning of clusters in the country for which the structural elements defining contents of the law are offered. Strategic management in clusters has to be based on the developed methodical maintenance of development of data of the integrated structures. Authors offered the algorithm of development and implementation of the program of cluster development which is turning on blocks: methodical maintenance and justification of programs of development, substantial and organizational work. On the basis of research practice offormation of standard and methodical documents, authors offered the contents and structural elements of Strategy of development of a cluster and the Program of cluster development which can be used for the formed and operating agrarian clusters.

Issue № 9, September 2018, article № 20

Development of an integrated approach to evaluating the effectiveness of state support of the resource potential of dairy farming

In the context of the reduction of budget allocations to support agriculture, ensuring the effective use of budgetary funds is of high importance. Currently, the evaluation of the efficiency of budget spending is carried out in accordance with the program principle of budgeting based on the achievement of indicators of state programs. The authors consider the content of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of measures of state support of dairy farming on the basis of criteria of effectiveness, optimality, impact, sustainability and cost. The complex approach of an assessment of efficiency of the state support of dairy farming with use of system of the complementary indicators characterizing the budgetary, social, commercial and program efficiency of the state support of dairy cattle breeding is offered. The main shortcomings of the current system of state support for milk producers, reducing the efficiency of budget support. On the example of the distribution of subsidies to increase productivity in dairy cattle from the Federal budget to the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, there is no correlation between the amount allocated in 2018 and the level of implementation of the state program by the regions in terms of milk production in 2017, as well as the dynamics of milk production in 2017 compared to 2016. The use of inefficient mechanisms of state support of dairy farming and small amounts of subsidies do not have an effective impact on improving the efficiency of milk production, investment and innovation activity in the industry. The method of calculation of budgetary effect and budgetary efficiency of the state support of dairy farming is offered. State support should lay the Foundation for improving the competitiveness of milk producers, updating the material and technical base and the introduction of modern resource-saving technologies, ensuring a rational rate of consumption of milk and dairy products.