
Issue № 5, May 2018, article № 10

Eurasian agricultural technology platform-a mechanism for the development of the market of scientific and technical products in the EAEU countries

The relevance of the research topic is caused by the underdevelopment of the market of scientific and technical products, which does not allow to fully benefit from scientific achievements, as a result of which the majority of promising scientific developments are not in demand. The union of states within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU, the Union) on condition of competent alignment of economic relations based on cooperation, concentration of resources and application of long-term planning gives significant advantages in the formation of a single market for scientific and technical products, facilitating the commercialization and use of the results of intellectual activity. The Eurasian agricultural technology platform (EATP) was arranged to carry out systematic work to accumulate advanced national and world achievements in scientific and technical development in the field of agroindustrial complex (AIC), mobilizing the scientific potential of member states for joint solution of applied problems in agriculture of EAEU member states, the development of innovative products and their introduction into the agroindustrial complex. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to study the Eurasian agricultural technology platform as one of the development mechanisms of the common market of scientific and technical products of the EAEU countries. The main results of the study are the author's compilation of the views of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the scientific and technical products market development, as well as determining the role of technological platforms in implementing the development priorities of various sectors of the economy. According to the results of the conducted research: the author's definition of technological platforms and the market of scientific and technical products is presented; A number of tasks, which solution involves the creation of a single market for scientific and technical products; priority directions of cooperation of the EAEU member states are presented in order to create a single market for scientific and technical products; the Eurasian agricultural technology platform is considered as a mechanism for developing the market of scientific and technical products in the EAEU member countries.