
Development of technological platforms in the agro-industrial complex of the eurasian economic union member states

The relevance of the research topic is due to the creation of the Eurasian economic Union (hereinafter, theEAEU), which is designed on the principles of cooperation, concentration of resources and the use of longterm planning, to provide significant advantages in the development of economic systems, to promote the commercializationand use of intellectual property in the economic activities of the EAEU member States. In our opinion, an effectiveinnovative tool designed to intensify efforts to create promising commercial technologies, new products (services), toattract additional resources for research and development through the participation of all stakeholders (business,science, government) are technological platforms (hereinafter, TP) [2]. It should be noted that in modern conditions,technological platforms and their activities should be based on a new principle of management with the use of infor-mation (digital, computer) technologies, providing for the exchange of data in digital form (information, ideas, resources). Thus, the purpose of this work was to study the multilateral experience of the formation and organization ofthe European and Russian technology platforms, with the possibility of its application in the development of technological platforms in the agro-industrial complex of the EAEU member States. The main results of the study is the author's generalization of the views of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the formation, development and effective functioning of technological platforms, including agricultural, in the European Union, the Russian Federationand the Eurasian economic Union. According to the results of the study: analyzed the development of technologicalplatforms in historical aspect; presents the goals, objectives, functions and principles offormation and functioning ofEuropean technological platforms; presents the goals, objectives, functions and principles of the Russian TP; considers the goals and objectives of the Eurasian TP; presents an up-to-date list of approved Eurasian TP.