The article is devoted to the formation and development of land relations in Russia. Researched and ana-lyzed defmitially camera. The features and trends of development of land relations from pre-revolutionary Russia tothe present day are revealed. The variety of organizational and legal forms is studied and the economic mechanism ofregulation of land relations which should provide equal basic production opportunities to all users of land resources,equal use of land of all social groups, effective withdrawal of land rent and besides improvement of various forms ofland use is analyzed.
The article analyzes the current legislation in the issue of unclaimed shares identification, provides ascheme of work to identify unclaimed shares. The problem of unclaimed shares, land valuation (unclaimed shares).
The continuing imbalances in the development of the agro-industrial and fisheries complex indicate a lowlevel ofplanning both in production and in its promotion to domestic and foreign markets. The article reveals one ofthe main directions of solving this problem - the development of exports ofproducts to world food markets.Based on a study of the domestic and foreign markets of agricultural and fish products, reasons have been identifiedthat are hindering the development of the industry, including the export-raw material mode of operation. It emphasiz-es the need to: pursue an active export policy, including preferences for creating competitive advantages for promising markets for Russian producers, following the example of the largest exporters of agricultural and fishery productsenjoying the most favored conditions for exporting their products, which gives them additional competitive advantages; infrastructure development of fish and fishery products; development of methodological base for qualitycontrol of fish and fish products. State participation in resolving this issue, according to the author, can be imple-mented by setting tariff quotas for the export offishery products and changing the mechanism of distribution of quotasfor the extraction of aquatic biological resources.
The article deals with current state of the market situation in the domestic market offood products of animal origin. The main trends and factors that determine the effectiveness of development and the volume of livestockproduction are reflected. Macroeconomic conditions and features of the formation of a sustainable domestic marketfor livestock products in modern economic conditions are determined. The structure of the distribution ofprofits between all participants in the distribution chain and the level of profitability of processing enterprises has been established. The influence of market conditions on the development of effective demand and food consumption has beensubstantiated. Based on the analysis carried out, measures are proposed for the development and regulation of thedomestic market for livestock products.
The article analyzes the concepts of competitiveness and labor productivity, the methodology for calculatingof labor productivity. In addition, the article contains of the labor productivity in the economy and in agriculture inthe member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and consideration of the factors of labor productivityincrease influencing the growth of the country's competitiveness.
N the article, a study of the resource potential of a number of regions of the Russian Federation in terms ofthe development of agro-tourism. The main conditions necessary for the effective development of agro-tourism and theproblems that make it difficult to use, including: the lack of a system of interaction between private producers of agricultural products, travel agencies, ministries, departments, public organizations interested in the development ofagrotourism; lack of agrotourism promotion. It is concluded that for a number of rural settlements, events that attracttourist flows serve to some extent the means for the formation and promotion of their brands, and the creation of acommon information system will raise the level ofpublic awareness about this type of tourism.
The article deals with the creation of databases of peasant farms and agricultural cooperatives within theportal of the Unified Web Space of Agrarian Knowledge (UWSAK). Background information for the databases takenis published in open access the materials of Federal State Statistics Service. The procedure of automatic transfer ofsource tables of records to the data format of the portal by means of the software package "1C-Bitrix" is described.
The article deals with regional systems of information support of agriculture, designed to support the adop-tion of effective management decisions. The considered information systems contribute to the growth of productionand economic, financial indicators of the agro-industrial complex of the region, socio-economic indicators of ruraldevelopment, allow to carry out inventory and monitoring of agricultural production, to control the use of land re-sources, to predict the yield of crops, to increase tax revenues to the budget.
In modern conditions, the innovative development of agriculture in Russia has a positive effect on thegrowth of the competitiveness of the industry. It should be noted that there are hidden reserves, the use of which willmake a breakthrough in the development of the agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation in the coming decade. One of them is the achievement of the goals of the digital transformation of the country's economy, by which, in ageneral sense, is commonly understood as economic activity based on digital technologies. The development of digitaltechnologies in various spheres of life has received increased attention on the part of the state in these economic conditions. "The formation of the digital economy is a question of the national security and independence of Russia, thecompetition of domestic companies," said President Vladimir Putin of the country. The agro-industrial complex todayis one of the most dynamic and promising points of application of new technologies. The digital transformation of agriculture will have a significant impact on the development of the entire agroindustrial complex. Technological solutions that are currently offered and will be implemented in the near future are most likely to initiate both an increasein the value of land and an increase in the productivity of crops from one hectare. It is expected that the display andcoordination of material and transport flows using digital tools will improve their efficiency and transparency, as wellas improve working conditions.
The article deals with theoretical and methodological issues related to the efficiency of the invested innovative capital, which are reflected in a fundamentally new approach to the evaluation of investment resources invested ininnovative technologies in different formats.